help...nds game

2007-03-04 3:00 am
why dl 左d game,擺落部機 ,開出嚟係冇反應,玩唔到嘅???

回答 (2)

2007-03-04 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.) 更新晒所有檔案未?

2.) 記憶卡內的檔案是否齊全?

3.) 下載完的檔案 處理是否正確?(解壓定冇解壓)

2007-03-06 7:41 pm
As u r playing fake game lo. Buy the real one la!

if u really wanna know, i can tell u that u can try formate the card, then download again.

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