
2007-03-04 2:30 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-04 10:06 pm
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2nd March,2007 Thursday Rainy
I am very happy today. (原本的 'Today is make me happy. ' 今日令我十分開心? 文發不對, 根本不make sense) Katie and Gigi asked me to go the beach. (不需要 Essentially, 另外要用 past tense) I said yes because I haven't went (haven't 之後用 went, 不是 go) for a swim in a year already! (加 already 來加強一整年也沒有游過水的意思)
Just as I was ready to go (加was), the weather has become bad! It made me so unhappy. I was getting bored and Gigi called me. She said, 'Although we can't go to the beach, we can still go to the swimming pool. Do you want to go?' (用 although 之後不可以用 but!) I answered her, 'Okay, I will go!'
In the end, although we couldn't go to the beach, we went swimming in the swimming pool. We were all happy.
2007-03-04 3:00 am
2nd March,2007 Thursday Rainy

Today makes me very happy.
Essentially Katie and Gigi asked me to go to the beach.I answered them I will go because I haven't go swimming for a year!
When I was ready to go,the weather became bad! I'm so unhappy! I felt bored,but at that moment Gigi phone me,"Although we can't go to the beach,but we can go to swimming pool to swim.Will you go?" "Okay,I will go.Thanks!"
Although we didn't go to the beach,but we went to the swimming pool,we are happy.
參考: common sense of myself

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