
2007-03-03 8:25 pm

回答 (2)

2007-03-03 8:42 pm
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豬係 non-halal. halal 即係法律, 呢度既意思唔係真係法律. 係回教律例.

因為所有馬拉人. 都係回教人. 所以, 豬既所有野, 馬拉人. 都唔會掂.... 所以馬來西亞, 有6成既人口, 都唔會買你個豬皮袋.


但係你賣個時. 要講明係 non-halal. 要講明係有豬 如果唔係, 的馬拉人唔知, 買錯左, 番黎揾你算賬... 你就大件事.

仲有報海關個的, 我就唔知啦, 你自已問清楚, 不過一定要同人講清楚有豬.
2007-03-03 8:40 pm
It is OK to sell leather products with raw materials from pig. However, the market will be limited to a smaller group of potential customers only.

Most of the Malaysians (especially Malays) are Muslims. They could not touch / eat products related to pig.

Your friend can still sell pig's productes to those non-Muslims, such as Chinese. But they are less than 30% of the population. The potential customer base is less tham 3 millions.

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