
2007-03-03 5:58 pm
1)Whom did that woman scold last night?

2i)This girl did not swim last year but this year she can.
2ii)This girl could not swim last year but she can swim this year.
did not swim同could not swim有咩吾同?

回答 (2)

2007-03-03 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) whom= to who= 對誰?
Whom did that woman scold last night= 昨天晚上那個婦人對誰大罵?
如果要用who, 應該寫成: Who did that woman scold at last night?
再一個例子: Whom are you writing that letter to? 你寫那封信給誰?

2i)This girl did not swim last year but this year she can.= 這個女孩上年沒有游泳但是今年可以游泳. (單譯成中文聽落都有d問題)
2ii)This girl could not swim last year but she can swim this year.= 這個女孩上年不可以游泳但是今年可以. (這句係正確既)
did not= 沒有 (過去式)
could not= 不可以/不能 (過去式)
參考: 自己
2007-03-03 6:12 pm
1. If you answer the question, you would say "That woman scolded XXX last night". Since you expect XXX and it is an object of the sentence, "whom" is usually used instead of "who".

2i. did not swim = 沒有游泳
2ii. coult not swim = 不能游泳

The meanings are different.

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