Who is the most famous?

2007-03-03 9:25 am
Who is the WORLD-famous person for nowaday???
it doesnt matter for any nations, any period,good or bad thing he/she did....

eg:the richest guy in the world about the microsoftt
eg:the highest IQ person from germany...but has no ideal for the name...
Suppose 80% ppl knew these globality

I Exactly mean a NAME which is well known! But not DESCRIPTION!

回答 (2)

2007-03-04 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
#1 係人見到都驚! => Osama bin Laden 即 烏薩瑪·本·拉
#2 係人見到都憎! => George Walker Bush 即 喬治.布殊
#3 係人見到都羨慕! => William(Bill) Henry Gates III 即 比爾·蓋茨
American President, George Bushit

2007-03-03 01:32:49 補充:
George Bushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

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