什麼是cash cow

2007-03-03 7:58 am
在marketing上, cash cow 係幫你gain money 既物品or employee, or loyal customers

回答 (3)

2007-03-03 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
什麼是cash cow ?
企業策略定位分析(BCG MATRIX)
波士頓顧問公司(Boston Consulting Group)於1970年提出BCG成長/佔有率矩陣—產品組合矩陣(Product Portfolio Matrix),將企業依其市場成長率與市場佔有率劃分為應思考如何擴張的事業、欣欣向榮的明星事業、保持獲利的事業與茍延殘喘的事業,並建議各類型企業應採取不同的策略,如下圖所示。(珠寶產業的國際行銷策略─「S」公司前進澳洲市場之行銷組合研究,賀冬美)


圖 2-6 BCG矩陣模型
BCG(Boston Consultant Group)的成長佔有率矩陣(Growth-Share Matrix),縱座標是該產品市場的成長率,橫座標則是相對於最大競爭者的佔有率,其中的圈圈代表了每個產品在該市場上的銷售量。市場成長率,即銷售產品的市場年度成長率,用以衡量市場擴張的速度。市場佔有率,用以衡量企業在市場上的強度。
成長佔有率可分為四個方格,每一個方格代表不同類型的事業:a. 問題事業(question marks):係指公司中高成長率,而低相對市場佔有率的事業。落在這個區域的產品,通常在市場上是對的,但是定位不對,來不及振衰起敝,就屬於這一「問題」類。b. 明星事業(stars):問題事業若成功了,很快就變成明星事業。圖中左上角這塊指的是「明星」,就是市場成長快、佔有率又大的產品。c. 金牛事業(cash cow): 當市場年成長率降至10%,而公司仍擁有最大的相對市場佔有率,則該明星事業將變成金牛事業;因為它能為公司產生許多現金。左下角這塊則是「金牛」,這種產品是可以為公司擠牛奶的,但是這些產品多屬成長率很低的市場,且特點是現金流量高,公司可以有利潤。d. 茍延殘喘事業(dogs): 係指公司在成長率低的市場且相對市場佔有率低的市場。公司應考慮是否有好的理由去繼續此茍延殘喘事業。
2016-02-06 8:36 pm
真的! 現在那們競爭的社會

有的當舖都掛羊頭賣狗肉 還沒借都講得很好聽

借了之後 難商量 難溝通 被綁住的感覺


自從我找到了 中壢仁寶當舖 之後 那種感覺完全不見

覺得 仁寶當舖 跟那些當舖 完全不同

完全不必看人臉色 就跟去銀行的感覺一樣

服務態度好 以客至上 詳細解說

不會有被騙的感覺 店長 人非常親切 好商量

真心推薦 中壢仁寶當舖 本人親身經歷

也可以上網搜尋看看 風評超好 超多人推薦

中壢YKK對面 非常好找 03-4520077
2007-03-03 9:21 am
In business, a cash cow is a product or a business unit that generates unusually high profit margins: so high that it is responsible for a large amount of a company's operating profit. This profit far exceeds the amount necessary to maintain the cash cow business, and the excess is used by the business for other purposes. The expression is a metaphor for a dairy cow, which after being acquired can be milked on an ongoing basis with little expense.
Risks of a cash cow include complacency, with management ignoring the need for change as market forces erode value; and ongoing turf wars between the management in charge of the cash cow and other managers trying to garner support for other products.
That said, every business longs for a cash cow product. The BCG growth-share matrix developed by the Boston Consulting Group, still used by analysts in large companies, uses the term "cash cow" to describe business units experiencing high market share and low market growth.
The term "cash cow" is often used by lecturers and can give the audience a wrong impression. "Cash cow" is also used sarcastically by sales & business people to describe a customer or organisation that has no control over its spending. Quite often used to describe government departments like: Defense; Foreign Aid; Highways & Social Security, where the spending is out of proportion to the services or goods received. In other words the tax payer is being cheated because Congress & government procurement personnel are not doing their jobs properly. This problem is not confined to the USA, European Union countries also experience milking in the same way. Hence, milk cow or cash cow is used to describe the process.
It should be noted that few companies who have a lucrative or even disproportionately profitable product line or client would publicly call the product or client a cash cow, as it shows some disrespect for potential customers or clients.
One example of a cash cow, would be the mini storage (or self-storage) industry where net profits of 35-40% are not uncommon with a minimal amount of work. This industry has long been considered a cash cow for this reason.
參考: Mercer, D, A Two Decade Test of Product Life Cycle Theory pp 269-274, British Journal of Management

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