英文grammar問題 請指教

2007-03-03 5:24 am
貼在紙上的圖案應說patterns sticking on paper還是patterns sticked on paper?兩者之間有何分別?

回答 (3)

2007-03-03 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pattern stuck on paper.是正確的。


Pattern sticking on paper這個用法多用於形容正在做某個動作的名詞,是有動態的。
The monkey clinging on top of the cage is very adorable.

2007-03-03 5:33 am
It should be patterns sticked on paper.
The patterns will not stick on the paper by itself. Therefore, you need to use passive voice.

Here is the information about passive voice.


Hope I can help you!
參考: myself
2007-03-03 5:31 am
I think it should be "patterns sticked on the paper"
Because it should be a passive voice
The difference between them is that the grammar of the former one is wrong and the later one is correct.

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