幫作約1分鐘英文短講 關於最鐘意老師 20點

2007-03-03 4:54 am
是但作咩都得 總之易就得架啦!

qq!! 20點~

回答 (5)

2007-03-03 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning/afternoon, everyone. Today I would like to introduce my favourite teacher to you. He/She is Mr/Ms/Mrs XXX(以下假設你老師叫Miss Chan,教你英文). Miss Chan is my English teacher. I like her because she is full of wisdom(智慧), and is able to answer all my questions. My English results improved a lot this year, thanks to her substantial(內容充實的,有價值的,重要的) and meaningful lessons.

Miss Chan does not only care for us during her lessons, but every moment. She is always there to help us and share our sad feelings. I always feel a sense of warmth(溫暖) when I am talking with her. She is so nice and that's the best thing I like about her. I also hope to do better in the future and not disappoint(使人失望) her.

This is the end of my presentation. Thank you fou your attention.

2007-03-02 21:57:02 補充:
下面嗰位你其身不正喎!你點幫人呀?首先,你連sometimes都串錯,之後又錯grammar。Like之後應該用attending,唔係attend。另外,你如果想講話呢個老師係你遇過咁多個老師之中最好,就應該用the,唔係用a。成句應該改成:He/She is THE best teacher I have ever had.

2007-03-02 21:59:10 補充:
另外嚴肅你都串錯,正確串法應該係SOLEMN!我英文攞過Subject Prize。

2007-03-02 22:46:15 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-06-17 12:11 am
魚`:) 好無風度……
2007-03-03 10:27 am
I would like to talk about my favourite teacher today.He /she is my XXX (subject) teacher. I call him/her Mr/ Miss/ Mrs. XXX. XXX (teacher) is very nice to the class and I like XXX very much. I can tell you why XXX is my favourite teacher. Is because that XXX is not like other teachers with just plain strictness and just simplly tell us to copy things down. she wold ask us questions and let us try to solve the problem ourselves with hints from her. And she also has a sence of humor too. When we don't know the answere she would teach us with patient, if we don't do our homework she would became a bit solemn and the smile on her face would be gone so we always try to be good in her class. At the end that i would like to you that i really enjoy her substantial and meanful class.

Thank you very much.

2007-03-03 02:43:00 補充:
um very sorry but the person who name 'fish' has spelt patient wrong he/she type it as patiently so very sorry. but everyone is good at something

2007-03-03 02:44:01 補充:
and not pointing the arrow at anybody the person who has spelt patient wrong i really think you should say sorry to the person above you cause he/she is just giving advice to you and you should say thank you and change the wrong to the correct ones

2007-03-03 02:44:31 補充:
what you did back was say a lot of mean things to him/ her and you shoudn't have done that cause we are finding knowledge her and what you have done is you have refuse to the knoledge .

2007-03-03 02:44:54 補充:
and both of your speech are good so i use some of your words and make it into a new one.and if i have done any thing wrong please tell meP.S. i study in U.K. so my english is properly better than youguys!!!

2007-03-03 02:45:42 補充:
sorry no room and if i did any thing wrong please tell me

2007-03-04 01:57:05 補充:
um sorry it shoud be ' the best teacher i have never had' not 'a good teacher i have never had.'
參考: me and the two people who are arguying from the top
2007-03-03 6:36 am
Good morning/afternooneveryone!my favourite teacher is e.g.(miss Lee) . She has along hair ,small eyes and wears glasses. She always teaches us paiently. Although sometimes we are naughty,she doesn't shouts at us and scolds at usso I think she is my favourite teacher.
參考: i write in my composition,i got 滿分
2007-03-03 5:15 am
Today i'm going to introduce my favorite teacher.He/she is mr/mrs XX.He/she is a very nice person.When i have any problems on my homework,he/she will teach me very patiently.Although he/she is quite solemnI(嚴肅) sometims.I like attend his/her class very much because he/she teach the book very lively.He/she is very humorous(風趣) too!When we are having the lessons he/she always makes us laugh.He/she is a good teacher i've ever had.I like him/her very much.

2007-03-02 21:17:35 補充:

2007-03-02 22:13:00 補充:
參考: ME

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