我想問浸會大學有無part time degree 讀架?本地課程wor, thanks

2007-03-03 3:52 am
我想問浸會大學有無part time degree 讀架?本地課程wor, thanks

回答 (2)

2007-03-03 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, 浸會大學有 part time degree 讀, but is joint organization with oversea university.
If you want to study local part time degree, only OUHK and PolyU SPEED - CAM course are offer local part time degree.

Undergraduate Programme 學士課程

Top-up Degree Programme 銜接副學士之學位課程

Bachelor of Arts (Major in Communication, Minor in Business Administration)
Simon Fraser University, Canada

Top-up Degree Programmes
College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Bachelor Degree Programme 學士學位課程

Accounting & Finance 會計及金融

Bachelor of Accountancy , University of South Australia, Australia
Bachelor of Applied Finance , University of South Australia, Australia

Business & Management 商業及管理

Bachelor of Business (Administrative Management) , University of South Australia, Australia
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) , University of South Australia, Australia
Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Logistics) , University of South Australia, Australia
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) , University of South Australia, Australia

Health Science 健康科學

Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) , University of Western Sydney, Australia

Information Technology 資訊科技

Bachelor of Computing (Electronic Commerce) , University of South Australia, Australia

Communication / Education 傳理 / 教育

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media Management) , University of South Australia, Australia
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education , Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Bachelor of Education (Hons) (Primary Education) , Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
2007-03-03 4:00 am
其實有嫁,唔知你有冇聽過 香港浸會大學持續教育學院
佢有好多短期既本地課程,佢有個website 你可以去睇睇丫, 希望幫到你!!!

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