我完成左鋼琴grade 8 ,想繼續進修~向teaching方面發展~

2007-03-03 3:45 am

請問CU係咩course呀? 同埋唔明,go through final grade?即係u mean考埋diploma? thanks^^


請問hku space o個個course好唔好? 有無d係hku/cu內部的course,...不是hku space呀~cu專業進修呢d? thank you very much!

回答 (3)

2007-03-06 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可考慮由中大SCS 開辦的Advanced Professional Diploma in Music Performance(Piano).此課程都幾適合鋼琴老師報讀,上課時間則為周一至五早上,每星期上課四至八小時或以上不等。視乎你讀多少個 Workshops and/or Pedagory programme

(1) Professional Diploma in Piano Pedagogy
(2)Professional Diploma in Performance Practice (Piano)
(3)Professional Diploma in Music History and Theory

Or the CUHK SCS's
Advanced Diploma Programme in The Art of Piano Teaching and Performance
2007-03-03 7:46 pm
after grade 8 u should find a popular piano teacher to do performance level or arct is teaching level in canada it call arct i dont know in england what it call
2007-03-03 4:18 am
The Chinese university.

2007-03-02 20:33:47 補充:
But I think that if you just wants to teach piano, go through the final grade is more better

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