急 謝英語專家幫幫小弟check Eng. grammar

2007-03-03 3:39 am
In winter, they will take tertian bath, as they are afraid of cold, and we turn on the stove to raise the room temperature, to insure their health. In summer, they will take a bath every day. Besides, no matter what seasons is, we apply the moisturizers on their skin, as their skin is very dry, even if in a wet day. They will scratch the skin, the skin may be damaged, finally there may be bacterial infection, a number of problems would occur.

回答 (1)

2007-03-03 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
In winter, they will take tertian bath, as they are afraid of cold, and we turn on the stove to rais the room temperature It can insure their health. In summer, they will take a bath every day. Besides, no matter which seasons are, we apply the moisturizers on their skin, as their skin is very dry, even if it is in a wet day. They will scratch the skin, the skin may be damaged. Fnally there may be bacterial infection, a number of problems will occur.

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