
2007-03-03 3:28 am
我想自己整, 而唔係出面買


回答 (3)

2007-03-03 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
我就試過兩種方法, 係睇下邊種整出黎岩你喇
1. 用 peel 薯仔皮, 蘿蔔皮等既 vegetable peeler. 大力d就厚d, 細力d就簿d碎d.

Chocolate Curls:
To make chocolate curls you will need a large block of chocolate and either a chef's knife, potato peeler or paring knife. The chocolate needs to be warmed to room temperature for best results. Hold the chef's knife on top of the blade, not on the handle, and pull the knife toward you in a downward motion. The chocolate will curl up in front of the blade as the knife moves down the block. For smaller curls, use a paring knife or potato peeler. Remember that the more pressure that is applied, the thicker the curls. Refrigerate the curls until ready for use.

Tip:If the curls are too brittle, place the chocolate in the microwave and heat until the chocolate begins to soften. This will help create thick curls that are easier to work with.


2. 用磨刀磨. 唔好好似下圖咁用咁細個款, 用d個hole 大d 既, 就會做到一片片既效果.


Grated Chocolate:
Chocolate can be grated into shavings for "dusting" the tops of cakes, cupcakes, and other sweets. In order to achieve this look, you will need a block of your favorite chocolate and a grater. Hold the grater in one hand over a piece of parchment paper or waxed paper and the chocolate in the other. Slide the chocolate across the grates in an up and down motion similar to grating cheese, allowing the shavings to land on the paper. Decorate with the shavings immediately because the fine chocolate will melt quickly and loose

~ :)
2007-03-03 7:18 am
買朱古力粉,煮成漿,倒落 膠片/牛油紙 (整薄D,可以用刀整)。 然後用刀直切,然後用刀橫切,整成一粒粒,就ok啦。
2007-03-03 3:48 am

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