
2007-03-03 3:21 am
The kight's sword任務
怎樣做red berry pie

windwhel 是甚麼來的

回答 (4)

2007-03-04 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
所需物料:redberries, grain, pot, bucket, water, pie dish
要先準備 pot (for flour) 同bucket (for water),有d地方有respawn,唔知就去general store buy,好平o者。
而redberries就可以到 Port Sarim 的food shop 買,又或者去 Varrock southeast mining site 免費拎。
Flour方面,帶個pot,並去 wheat field拎d grain,再去 Wildmill (建議你去Lumbridge,看地圖,入到Cooking guild的話更好~~~) 去到Wildmill的top floor,use grain with hopper (你就會丟o左d garin落去),跟住 “operate hopper controls” (hopper control在hopper的南面),接著go down stairs 去到the ground floor,按一下d白色的flour,咁在你inventory的pot就自動變成pot of flour喇!不過一個pot只可以裝一份flour。
跟住use pot of flour with bucket of water / jug of water (在Windmill向南行有個雞場,旁邊的屋仔入面有sink)就變成pastry dough,再use pastry dough with pie dish就會變成 pie shell,跟住use redberries with pie shell,就會整好個redberries pie喇~~ 再拎去range度cook o左佢就得o架啦!


有咩Runescape問題歡迎msn/email小妹, 請按入小妹的檔案搵啦~~

2007-03-04 11:30:55 補充:
地圖整理有誤,應該係Windmill (風車房) 的西南部的那撻地 (如平行四邊形的) 才是有grain拎的wheat field。
參考: 小妹經驗 +的map
2007-03-04 5:46 am
首先,拿一些grain(打lv21 guard 可能會有/自己向人買)。把grain放在windwheel的頂部。拉支棍。(在附近)。用一個empty pot 來裝起(回到最底層)。然後按a pot of flour,再按a buket of water,按pastry dough。按pastry dough後按一個empty pie,就按一個reaberry,再按那個pie dish。用一個range來煮。完成!
windwheel是用來把grain變做pot of flour。
P.S.redberry pie 要cooking lv 30才可以煮!
My account:Timothylam9
我lv 62!cooking lv 51
參考: myself
2007-03-03 4:24 pm
Go to lum, get a bucket and then use it with water then you will have a bucket of water.
Next get a pot and get some wheat, use windwhel to make pot of flour.
and then go to varrock mining place, get a redbarry , go to varrock palace to get a pie dish.
1 .Mix up pot of flour with bucket of water and get a paste
2. Use paste on the pie dish
3. Use redbarry on the pie dish with paste
4. Cook the uncook red barry pie
5. You will have the redbarry pie

P.S. Sometimes it will burn...

2007-03-03 08:29:57 補充:
I am not sure if it is paste........Just click the second one from above in the list...Sorry about that.
參考: me,,
2007-03-03 5:14 am
係Varrock南面mine site旁邊有red berries(紅梅)執,執幾個然use POT OF FLOUR with BUCKET OF WATER,整個Pie Dough,然後,use PIE DOUGHT with PIE DISH,有個pie base以後,use REDBERRIES with PIE BASE,然後煮了它就搞定。

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