背英文生字-問(自認英文高手請進)thank for you to help me

2007-03-03 2:32 am


回答 (6)

2007-03-03 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實方法都係一路查落去直到完全識洒為止. 鬼叫自己無料mer.
2007-03-08 12:34 am
最好用傳統的大本的英英字典例如牛津等最有效, 佢下面有些例句表示同一個字的不同用處. 睇到唔明的生字可以唔查最好. 因為唔同句子中, 同一個字都有唔同意思; 要看上文下理. 估下先, 多看幾次都唔明先查,或者估到後再引證. 中英文化不同, 有些字不能翻只能意會. 例如聖經中的 sin ;硬是翻為罪就會和 guilt 有些混淆. 英漢字典不是毒藥但會養成依賴, 而且限制住你的思想空間.例如 give me a break 翻為"俾個裂逢我" 就死得人多. 多學多用多錯多鍜鍊,再學再用再錯再鍛鍊. 俾心機一定好.........加油.
2007-03-03 5:18 pm
2007-03-03 3:06 am
咁我覺得英漢字典又唔係毒藥lei ge~ 如果only查英英字典, 可能會查到無了期同越查越confused的!!! 我個人認為, 其實係可以查左英漢(又有英又有中)ge先, 略略知道果個字係點解, 如果你想再了解得深入d, 就查英英字典la~ 因為佢會有更多更詳盡ge解釋, 最重要ge我覺得係佢ge用法同grammar果d, 所以一定要睇清楚同明白佢d examples, 另外佢同其他字ge collocation(搭配)或者同其他字組成一d phrase都可以留意下~ 如果你睇example果陣有d字唔識, 絕對係可以查英漢去幫助自己理解~ 兩種字典都是好的~

2007-03-02 19:10:23 補充:
仲有, 如果你想背下英文生字, 可以抄低落本簿度(唔單止係個字, part of speech(即noun, verb果d)同解釋(中文都可以), 一定要加一句example), 得閒拎出lei睇下讀下, 咁慢慢就會記得ga la~ 加油^^
參考: 個人觀點
2007-03-03 2:44 am
Sometimes it is very difficult to find the appropriate terms to translate the English words /phases just by Chinese. It would be better to use English dictionaries.

If you really find to use the English -English dictionaries, why don't you try biligual dictionaries in which the translation will be displayed both in English & Chinese.

Your experience is a transit time to build up a strong volcanbury. remembered that when I was in P.5 & P.6. At that time, I used biligual dictionaries first and then later, when I have built up large amount of english volcanbury in my mind, then I can master to us fully english dictionary.
2007-03-03 2:43 am
I think you could try to use the 英英字典 to know the tenorof the word
,then use 英漢字典 ,you will know the meaning of it and learn how to manage the difficult word.
Hope these could help

2007-03-02 18:44:33 補充:
'tenorof' is tenor ofsorry , I made a mistake
參考: myself

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