一個play boy 的bag, 是US $0.99 , =HK $7.722 嗎 ??

2007-03-02 11:08 pm
請你去左li 到先:


我想buy 個bag ar, but 大約要幾$ ?? US $0.99 =HK $7.722 ??咁cheap!!?
我唔識ar, 找人tell me la ,please

AND 我仲未成年, 冇信用卡, 咁我應該how to 比錢???

回答 (2)

2007-03-02 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
US$0.99係起標價 = = 仲有成2日先停bid 到時個價就唔會係0.99架啦 - -

若到時仲係0.99....唔使諗 = = 想要就買啦

照舊一句 小心假野~~
2007-03-02 11:33 pm
Yes, US $0.99 =HK $7.722, The bag must be fake, it is impossible if the shipping is free, HK $7.722 cannot cover the shipping charge!!! Beware of trap!!!!!!!

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