
2007-03-02 9:35 pm

回答 (3)

2007-03-04 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
同意樓上的看法, 時間可以改善一切. 通常, 做媽媽的都擔心女兒嫁得不夠好, 女兒未婚前, 很多會嫌這嫌那的, 總覺得未來女婿不夠好. 只要多一點耐心, 叫男朋友多一點忍讓和遷就媽媽, 多贊美和贊同媽媽,但又不能流於阿夷奉承.另一方面你要婉轉地讓她知道你非此君不嫁的決心. 她很快就會軟化的. 很多女婿都要過岳母這個門檻的, 婚後還不是合合美美一家人? ! 放心吧! 大家都祝福你!
2007-03-02 10:12 pm
時間可以改善一切 ; 首先改善母親関係 ; 待母親似朋友一樣 ; 睇啱時機再改善你朋友與母親関係 ; 要有耐性 ; 信念 及 信心 , 祝你水到渠成 , 成功 !!
參考: 個人經驗
2007-03-02 9:48 pm
食不言,寢不語. what is wrong with that?
she is your mother, you are her daughter, she will talk to you kindly.
當局者迷. she might see what you do not see,

go out to have dinner / lunch with her in a quite resturant (only both of you). just tell her you question and uncertainly..

it shows you are concerning not only you and your b/f relationship, but also you and your family.

2007-03-02 13:55:39 補充:
no need to tell your b/f because this is the matter of you and your mother, it has nothing to do with your b/f. just make the thing as simple as you can. the more people involved, the more 煩 will bring to yourself.

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