
2007-03-02 8:48 pm
1. Is there any difference between 像素 , 解析度and解像度??

2.what is viewfinder??

3.What is the difference between CCD and CCD X3?? which is better??

4.有效像素 equals to 真實像素還是插值像素??

5.what is "lines of resolution"??

I've got a new job about dc and dv selling, but i still can't understand those things above.
So PLEASE answer my question which really can help me lots!!!!THX FOR YR KINDNESS~~~

回答 (1)

2007-03-03 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. should be same
2. means a "hole" which you can see to take picture; with this, you can off the LCD screen; Canon model normally has this whereas Panasonic without it. it is useful when you are in dark area, the LCD show too dark so you can view the "hole" directly
3. not sure what you are talking, maybe there is 3 CCD inside......sorry
4. 有效像素 equals to 真實像素 = the CCD resolution
5. e.g. 640 x 480; 1024 x 768; there is the lines
參考: DC sales

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