
2007-03-02 11:25 am

回答 (5)

2007-03-02 3:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am very very sorry to hear about your experience!!
It is a shame that you are busy and not able to attend church on sunday. But I am very very glad that you have the heart and desire to know more about him.
the bible say, if you seek, you will find; if you knok on the door, the door will open for you.
to seek, is a desire, and need to put in action.
'find' means you get what you wanted.
that is, if you have the desire and you put in efford to search, you will find what you want.
the same, if you want to enter the room, you knok on the door ( action), the door will open for you, then you can enter the room.
i believe that God sees your desire and of course we see that you take action in finding him. so my friend, have faith!! the door is open and you will see Him!!
this is a promise from God!
back to your situation, i think you can try to call the church again. it is very common / often that they have 事工開會. so, please dont feel that they dont want to answer your call.
also, there would be many reasons for 一個電話都冇. but sometime we will focus on one single point and think that people are ignoring us. it might not true. it would be wrong phone number; line engaged; lose the memo...... u know what i mean, dont u?
i have to admit that people are church are also human, we also make mistake as every one does. but because we are christians, we learn to fogive, forget and of course, learn to be wise and not making too much mistakes....by following Jesus.

For sure this is NOT 神既旨意. If He dont love and care about you, He wont let me see your question. in that case, He wont touch my heart and get me to answer your question!!
We (even old christians) always find it so difficult why God put us in a situation with so many difficulties and we can not see his guild and help? But when we hold on to him, keep our faith, be patient, we understand!! i mean, when time goes by and we look back, we then realize why we were in that situation and we then see what God had done for us by that time!! Do you think you can experience God? I am sure you will experience his almighty love, because he is a living God and care about you.
the bible said, if you ask, He will give you. so, surely he will 比個機會 to you. ask him. keep asking. i believe he will give you something much more than you expected.
Have FAITH!!
Hold on!!
: )
參考: me
2007-03-02 7:41 pm

你可以聯絡我啦 msn [email protected]
2007-03-02 6:21 pm
對於你這個遭遇, 我以前也有遇過,

如果冇估錯, 你應該係初初返教會的,
其實教會的聚會, 一般都會刋登在崇拜時收到的程序表,
或張貼在當眼的報告板上, 而以現今科技咁先進,
教會有人手的話, 教會應該會有網頁的,
如果有. 那你所需要的資料一定可以在網頁中找到,

其實你咁認真追求, 唔係玩玩下,
或者你留意下教會有冇主日學, 或初信信仰班,
一來可以有一個正式的學習, 另外可以認識多一些肢體,
因為年資有番咁上下的肢體, 佢地都可以話俾你知教會會有d乜野活動可以參加,

相信該位聽你電話的朋友唔係有心唔覆, 只係忘記左,
如果唔介意, 不妨打多次返去問多次,

2007-03-02 12:21 pm

一旦唔受教會木屍、執屎、執鷄毛當權柄嘅弟兄姊妹影响控制,自己圍威畏或同另外一班梨教弟兄姊妹用理性重 (蟲音) 研聖經哲理,重組 [唔盲目信主嘅]人生目標,就知佢哋嘅主已經落伍死咗好耐囉,唔駛可惜。

2007-03-02 11:32 am

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