
2007-03-02 9:23 am

回答 (6)

2007-03-02 10:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
《(我)又要走》→ I got to go again.
《真唔捨得》→ (有好幾個選集) I really can not let it go /// I really do not want to give up on you /// I would really like to stay /// I would really like this were not happening /// I will really miss you /// I am really going to miss you /// etc.
《小心身體》→ Take good care of your health.
《保重啦》→ Take care (of yourself).
參考: 希望可以幫到你吧﹗Have a Nice Day! ^-^
2007-03-02 5:19 pm

So sad that we have to say goodbye again, please mind your health and take care.
參考: SELF
2007-03-02 11:26 am
i have to go again... really dont want to........ be careful.......... take care......
2007-03-02 9:51 am
I had to go now. I'll really miss you. Please take good care of yourself.
2007-03-02 9:28 am
I have to go again (又要走).... I really miss you a lot (真唔捨得)......becareful with your heath (小心身體).....and take care of yourself! (保重啦)....
參考: myself
2007-03-02 9:27 am
I have got to go. I will miss you. Please take good care of yourself.

唔捨得= I will miss you= 我將會掛念你

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