
2007-03-02 6:29 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-03 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because you are going to invest for 6 months only, so it is better not to invest in unit trust (managed fund), because normally they have an about 5% entry fee.

10-20% return in half a year is not hard to achieve in the stock market. But the problem is you don't know how the trend is and when the next big correction (or crash) is. If so happen that the time you want to withdraw the money is when the correction is happening, you may have a big loss. This kind of risk also happens in other high return investment.

But if you are ready to take risk, I suggest you wait till the market is steady, then buy some solid blue chips stocks. Don't buy just one, diversify can lower your risk. I suggest 939, 4, 12, 66.
2007-03-02 7:55 am
朋友, 留意下宜家既股票市場, 你係唔係可以承受到咁大既波幅. 因為投資必定有風險, 點樣可以管理及控制風險呢? 1. 有專業知識; 2. 有好既投資組合; 3. 給予一個長時間做投資.
如果你話要半年有10-20%回報, 唔係無可能, 你係要承受一個較大既風險. 自己真係要衡量下值唔值得做. (尤其今年係一個極大波幅既投資時期)
可選擇既投資工具: 1. 股票; 2. 基金

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