按金退回是否要把租約return to 業主

2007-03-02 5:36 am
(remarks: 我看見租約有呢個terms), 有沒有其他辦法取回按金而又不用退回租約
另外可否用按金cover the last two month rent, if yes,會不會有租單.

回答 (2)

2007-03-02 7:20 pm
退租不同退回成份租約! 退租只是退出租務關係, 即surrender。而且交出租約對相方亦沒有任何意義。如當初租約已打厘印, 已表示政府有此租約的副本, 一旦有任何租務糾紛, 政府就按既存的檔案處理, 不需你再提供原合約的。

一般情況下是不會將按金作為抵銷最後兩個月的租金, 因為如室內有任何破壞, 又或者租客無交水, 電, 煤或管理費時, 業主可在按金中扣除未付的費用, 若果一早已將租金全部抵銷的話, 到最後收樓時才發現有問題就非常煩了!

正常情況, 業主會在收樓當天, 核實樓宇和賬單都無問題時會即時退回按金全數給租客, 而租客就要將樓宇和鑰匙交還給業主。但業主亦有權在租約完結後7至14天內退回按金的。
2007-03-02 10:05 am
Firstly, it depends on the owner, if he is a easy going person, you can negotiate with him, and ask him if you can rent the flat two month more to offset the deposit.Receipt , he will not give you in this moment, or otherwise ask him to mark ''deducted from deposite''.

If he is not good, he will ask you to pay rent until the day you really return the flat to him, he will tear the contract, and return the deposit to you.

Usually, the owner will need you to continue paying rent because he is worried any equipment such as air conditioner is in good condition or not.

Besides, he may not hold you deposit claiming that he need to check whether you have pay the electicity and water bill or not.

In conclusion, just depends on negotiating.

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