
2007-03-02 5:04 am
I want to join “Morrison’s Personal Store” company the shop assistant. Because I fill the good work opportunity. It seems to me to represent to move into a well-known international manufacturer of quality products and to have the experience of managing regional sales being a regional sales manager myself.


回答 (3)

2007-03-02 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to join ' Morrison's Personal Store ' as a Shop Assistant. This is certainly a good opportunity and experience for myself to work in such an international manufacturer of quality products. As a Regional Sales Manager, I am sure that I could gain much experience in this job.

( 我唔明你究竟而家應徵做 shop assistant 定 regional sales manager?? 定你而家係另一間公司既 regional sales manager??) 呢段野真係你既應徵信定為左交功課?? 如果係前者, 我勸你從頭寫過封formal letter, 因為d內容同文法都好唔掂!
2007-03-03 1:44 am
I want to join “Morrison’s Personal Store” company the shop assistant. Because I fill the good work opportunity. It seems to me to represent to move into a well-known international manufacturer of quality products and to have the experience of managing regional sales being a regional sales manager myself.

沒錯 !
參考: 我
2007-03-02 5:26 am
基本上每個字我都識解但係唔明你想EXPRESS D乜+.+

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