
2007-03-02 4:52 am
好吾好詳加說明? thanks

回答 (5)

2007-03-02 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-03-01 21:00:39 補充:
2007-03-02 5:04 am
2007-03-02 5:01 am

參考: 自己~!
2007-03-02 5:00 am
The followings are explanations and teaching aids from learn english and British Council~~

When and While

Both when and while can be used to talk about actions or situations that take place at the same time.
1 Backgrounds
We can use both words to introduce a longer 'background' action or situation, which is/was going on when something else happens/happened.
Somebody broke into the house when they were playing cards. While they were playing cards, somebody broke into the house. Note that when and while clauses can go at the beginning or end of sentences.
2 Simultaneous long actions
We usually use while to say that two longer actions or situations go / went on at the same time.
While you were reading the paper, I was working. If we are talking about ages and periods of life, we use when:
When I was a child we lived in London (NOT While I was a child …) His parents died when he was twelve (NOT … while he was twelve) 3 Simultaneous short actions
We can use (just) when to say that two short actions or events happen / happened at the same time:
I thought of it (just) when you opened your mouth. While is not possible in this situation.
4 Reduced clauses
It is often possible to leave out subject + be after when and while:
While/When in Germany, he got to know a family of musicians. (=While/When he was in Germany …)http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/grammar/archive/whenwhile01.html

What is the difference between when and while?
Both when and while can be used to talk about actions or situations that take place at the same time.
Swan identifies the following differences:
1 Backgrounds
We can use both words to introduce a longer 'background' action or situation, which is/was going on when something else happens/happened.

While they were playing cards, somebody broke into the house. Note that when and while clauses can go at the beginning or end of sentences.
2 Simultaneous long actions
We usually use while to say that two longer actions or situations go / went on at the same time.

While you were reading the paper, I was working. If we are talking about ages and periods of life, we use when:

His parents died when he was twelve (NOT … while he was twelve) 3 Simultaneous short actions
We can use (just) when to say that two short actions or events happen / happened at the same time:

I thought of it (just) when you opened your mouth. While is not possible in this situation.
4 Reduced clauses
It is often possible to leave out subject + be after when and while:

While/When in Germany, he got to know a family of musicians. (=While/When he was in Germany …)

2007-03-02 4:56 am
兩者意思上.. 都冇太大分別..
不過.. while.. 一般係唔會用係句子既begining..
而when.. 就係可以既..
參考: 英文notes..

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