請問有無人熟悉寫 password accessed FTP ? 急!!!

2007-03-02 3:35 am
請問有無人熟悉寫 password accessed FTP ? 急!!!

回答 (2)

2007-03-02 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
FTP is a service that allows users to move files from one place to another. It was designed to enable you to list files residing on other computers, copy files from another computer to your computer (download), or copy files from your computer to another computer (upload).
FTP is most often used to get files from or place files on other computers on the Internet. These sites are generally accessed through anonymous FTP, which does not require a password, and thus is available to anyone on the Internet.

Critical Link supports incoming anonymous FTP, which allows others on the Internet to access certain files that your company makes available on the Critical Link Server. In addition to an anonymous account that anyone can access, Critical Link also provides guest accounts, which are limited to those who know the guest login name and password.

You can use FTP internally (within your company’s network) to place files in the anonymous and guest FTP directories where they can be accessed by internal and external users.

Internal users can also use FTP to place WWW files into the Critical Link Server’s WWW page tree. These files can then be accessed by internal and external users.
2007-03-02 5:56 pm
網上面有好多唔使比錢既ftp software,都可以set password
eg. http://www.hkepc.com/swdb/cesarftp.htm

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