"綜緩" 的英文是什麼?

2007-03-02 3:28 am
請問 "綜緩" ,,"綜緩金"& "綜緩人士" 的英文是什麼?
thank you

回答 (5)

2007-03-02 9:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
綜緩= welfare
綜緩金= welfare payment
綜緩人士= welfare recipient

2007-03-02 01:43:51 補充:
wan_janet 答得不錯, 但CSSA只在香港適用. welfare係個普通名詞, 全世界通用.~!!!
2007-03-02 4:08 am
welfare receipient
2007-03-02 3:55 am
job seeker allowance
2007-03-02 3:51 am
This will be assessed by the doctor. If you are suffering from certain degree of disability, 自力更生計劃 may be waved. The final decision is by 社署
2007-03-02 3:43 am
綜緩 is comprehensive social security assistance (CSSA)
綜緩金 is CSSA money or welfare money
綜緩人士 is CSSA recipients
參考: social welfare department

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