請幫忙 找 些 關於 什麼叫弱智 的英文資料!!!

2007-03-02 3:25 am
請幫忙 找 些 關於 什麼叫弱智 的英文資料!!!

回答 (1)

2007-03-02 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mental Retardation is a term for a pattern of persistently slow learning of basic motor and language skills ("milestones") during childhood, and a significantly below-normal global intellectual capacity as an adult. One common criterion for diagnosis of mental retardation is a tested intelligence quotient (IQ) of 70 or below.

In England and Wales the Mental Health Act 1983 defines mental impairment and severe mental impairment as "a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant/severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning and is associated with abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct on the part of the person concerned." As behaviour is involved, these are not necessarily permanent conditions: they are defined for the purpose of authorising detention in hospital or guardianship. Unfortunately, English statute law uses "mental impairment" elsewhere in a less well-defined manner implying that mental retardation is meant.

People with mental retardation are usually described as having developmental disabilities.

There are many signs. For example, children with developmental disabilities may learn to sit up, to crawl, or to walk later than other children, or they may learn to talk later. Both adults and children with intellectual disabilities may also:

* have trouble speaking
* find it hard to remember things
* have trouble understanding social rules
* have trouble discerning cause and effect
* have trouble solving problems
* have trouble thinking logically.

In early childhood mild disability (IQ 60–70) may not be obvious, and may not be diagnosed until they begin school. Even when poor academic performance is recognized, it may take expert assessment to distinguish mild mental disability from learning disability or behavior problems. As they become adults, many people can live independently and may be considered by others in their community as "slow" rather than "retarded".

Moderate disability (IQ 50–60) is nearly always obvious within the first years of life. These people will encounter difficulty in school, at home, and in the community. In many cases they will need to join special, usually separate, classes in school, but they can still progress to become functioning members of society. As adults they may live with their parents, in a supportive group home, or even semi-independently with significant supportive services to help them, for example, manage their finances.

Among people with intellectual disabilities, only about one in eight will score below 50 on IQ tests. A person with a more severe disability will need more intensive support and supervision his or her entire life.

The limitations of cognitive function will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. Children may take longer to learn to speak, walk, and take care of their personal needs such as dressing or eating. Learning will take them longer, require more repetition, and there may be some things they cannot learn. The extent of the limits of learning is a function of the severity of the disability.

Nevertheless, virtually every child is able to learn, develop, and grow to some extent.

According to the DSM-IV, there are three criteria before a person is considered to have a developmental disability: an IQ below 70, significant limitations in two or more areas of adaptive behavior (i.e., ability to function at age level in an ordinary environment), and evidence that the limitations became apparent in childhood.

It is formally diagnosed by professional assessment of intelligence and adaptive behavior.

More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retarded

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