急!! 請給意見!! 有關血液檢驗問題!!!

2007-03-02 2:34 am
因為購買保險超過二年送驗身的情況下去了一間化驗所做驗查. 做了普通血液化驗, 腸癌 (CEA) 及鼻咽癌 (EBV) 血液檢驗. 結果全部正常, 除了 鼻咽癌 (EBV) 血液檢驗有輕微陽性反應 (weakly positive). 因我十分擔心, 所以即晚去了法國醫院看專科醫生, 醫生幫我再做一次鼻咽癌 (EBV) 血液檢驗, 照了鼻咽內規鏡, EBV-DNA 血液檢驗及照了PET (正電子掃瞄) (check 下全身有無癌細胞)! 結果全部陰性反應, PET照了正常!! 由於我無mud呢方面既常識同經驗, 所以仲好擔心, 所以請求各位俾d意見我!! 若是發生在你地身上, 你地會點做及仲會唔會擔心呢?? 多謝哂!!

回答 (2)

2007-03-02 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案



2007-03-02 5:40 am
I think you are very familiar with what the tests are for. A weakly positive EBV may due to many reasons, eg. conditions of the test or blood sample. I believe that preliminary EBV result was obtained by EIA method. You doctor made a wise decision to confirm the result by EBV-DNA test. It is a much sensitive method, a negative result indicated you do not have nasopharygeal carinoma 鼻咽癌. It is not necessary to further confirm with PET scan, but fine, the result was normal, you have no cancer growing in your body. Please don't worry about your health, you rather worry whether you can claim the cost of PET scan! PET scan is indeed a very very sensitive and expensive test!
參考: my professional knowledge

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