商業英文email 文法一問

2007-03-01 9:02 pm
商業英文email 文法一問, 我諗住出個email 比d客, 不過對d英文文法冇咩信心, 可唔可以睇下有咩可以改一改, 可以令個email 靚仔d呀....唔該哂

Dear XXX

Good Morning,
We are so pleased for your visiting on 23 Oct, 2006 to our booth stand at Mega Show Part 1 – 15th HK Int'l Toys & Gifts Show in Hong Kong.

回答 (1)

2007-03-01 10:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Dear XXX

Thanks for your visiting our booth on 23 Oct 2006 in Mega Show Part 1-15th HK Int'l Toys & Gifts Show.
We are pleased to learn that you are interested in our costume products. Please find below our website for your reference which shows our best selling costume items and the latest design. Your comments are always welcome.
Besides, we are also professional in any OEM design development projects. If you request any related sampling or quotations, please feel free to contact us.

Best (或Kind) regards

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