
2007-03-01 8:15 pm

回答 (4)

2007-03-01 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
506 分拆中糧油控股價格範圍介乎$3.1-$3.72,該股扭轉2天跌勢回升3.6%,外引述消息人士透露,中糧控股將會引入日本三菱(Mitsubishi Corp)為策略性投資者,三菱將斥資79億日圓(約5.15億元)認購部分新股,佔是次最多集資金額的20%,禁售期12個月。下週招股, 反應應該不錯, 可走一轉, 短線看7.5-8元。
2007-03-04 4:49 am
既然是小小利是錢, 抽新股啦,
澳華黃金, 下周一招股;
億鑽珠寶控股, 下周一路演
銀泰百貨, 下周三招股; 每手1000, 招股價4-5.2
中糧控股(0606), 下周四招股; 每手1000, 招股價3.10-3.72, 入場費至小3757.53

個人建議億鑽和中糧控股, 祝你旗開得勝
參考: 蘋果日報
2007-03-02 12:32 am
I suggest @2628 / @1800 / @1886.
2007-03-01 11:48 pm
3983 - You can see it's price is quite steady now while the other is still dropping. This has great short term potential.

8230 - environment protection stock, china need this. And the price has rised again today. But one hand is 10000 shares, about $30,000.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:47:39
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