
2007-03-01 8:10 pm
CPU:AMD ATHLON 64x2 3600+ CPU(AM2)(雙核心)
Motherboard:Asus M2V-TVM Motherboard
Display:VIA 3D Graphic Display
Audio: 6.1 CH Sound Audio
Ram:Kingston 512MB 667 DDR-2 Ram
Harddisk:Maxtor 80GB harddisk

CPU:AMD Sempron 64 3200+ CPU
Motherboard:Asus A8N-5X motherboard
Display:Asus EN 7300 Display Card
Audio:8.1 High Speed Audio
Ram:Kingston 512MB DDR-Ram
Harddisk:Samsung 80GB harddisk

只要打機/上網唔lag就可以?我聽人講雙核心既cpu支援到既online game唔多,係唔係真嫁?

回答 (1)

2007-03-01 8:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The above 兩部機上網99%ok唔lag
but 打機/上網lag
CPU is not the problem for the above system.

Display is the problem, VIA 3D Graphic display is not good at all for 3d game
Asus EN 7300 Display Card is just marginally accetable
need atleast Gf7600gs but it will cost you 400-600HKD more

Ram 512 just marginally accepable for windows XP better have 1G
IF vista minimum need 1G better if 2G

using 512 may lag when playing game

HD 80G slow and small oK of office work or internet, better use1600 or 250G best 320G la if need to play game and download movies

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