translation: chinese to english

2007-03-01 8:07 pm
1. 綜援戶get雙糧

2. 綜援人

3. 香港政府多年來透過立法和修訂立法,對干犯者作出嚴厲的查處整治,而起了一定的阻嚇作用。

4. 需要市民的積極參與,締造出一個和諧的社會,共創美好明天

5. 不顧大局、不作廣泛咨詢

6. 香港已經開始踏上知識經濟、高新科技的列車

回答 (1)

2007-03-01 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 綜援戶get雙糧
CSSA recipients are getting a "bonus"
----- CSSA = Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, 綜合社會保障援助, 簡稱綜援
------ 這句話有幽默意味, 平時只有受薪者才有 "bonus", 現在綜援戶獲發額外津貼, 好像打工仔得到花紅一樣.

2. 綜援人
CSSA recipients

3. 香港政府多年來透過立法和修訂立法,對干犯者作出嚴厲的查處整治,而起了一定的阻嚇作用。
Some deterrent effect has been attained by the heavy-handed punitive measures adopted by the government through years of law amendments and making of new laws.

4. 需要市民的積極參與,締造出一個和諧的社會,共創美好明天
To build a harmonious community for a brighter future, we need everyone in our community to pitch in.

5. 不顧大局、不作廣泛咨詢
Failed to see the broader picture, without any extensive consultation

6. 香港已經開始踏上知識經濟、高新科技的列車
There is no turning back for Hong Kong on the way towards knowledge-based economy and new modern techonology.

參考: me

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