
2007-03-01 6:52 pm
我部電腦而家msn,icq等好多野都開唔到呀..開任何野佢都會彈舊野問你用咩程式開佢..而家連掃毒都開唔到...有d野想開但佢又話找不到程式,eg.C:\\Program Files\\Messenger\\msmsgs.exe 咁我而家可以點做呀?help!

回答 (2)

2007-03-03 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以用ad-aware/spybot刪除 卡巴亦可
1.POST上防毒軟件報的病毒 的路徑
2.下載並安裝 hijackthis http://www.merijn.org/files/hi ...

(1)下載 RogueCleaner


解壓 RogueCleaner 資料夾至桌面.

RogueCleaner 需要進行 RAR 解壓. 如果電腦不支援 RAR 壓縮檔案,在此下載 IZArc


(2)下載 ewido anti-spyware 30 日試用版:


1. 安裝完成後,執行 ewido anti-spyware

2. 按 Update,再按 Start update 進行更新.

3. 更新完成後按 Scanner,再按 Settings

4. 在 How to act? 之下點選 Recommended actions,再按 Quarantine

5. 在 Reports 之下勾選 Automatically generate report after every scan

6. 關閉 ewido anti-spyware

(3)重新啟動電腦按 F8 進入安全模式,登入你使用的用戶.
(4)執行 RogueCleaner

1. 按開始清理
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://xs201.xs.to/xs201/06214/RogueCleaner.png');}" alt="Click here to open new window
CTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out" src="http://xs201.xs.to/xs201/06214/RogueCleaner.png" width=560 onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" border=0 resized="true">
2. 清理完成後關閉 RogueCleaner

(5)執行 ewido anti-spyware

1. 按 Scanner

2. 按 Complete System Scan 開始掃瞄.

3. 完成掃瞄後按 Apply all actions 執行移除.

4. 如果移除期間彈出視窗,按 Yes,for all

5. 移除完成後按 Save Report,再按 Save report as 儲存記錄.

6. 關閉 ewido anti-spyware

(6)重新啟動電腦返回正常模式. 用 HijackThis,ewido anti-spyware 掃描並貼上記錄上來.
2007-03-01 7:02 pm
有冇試過行safe mode? 開機禁F8, choose safe mode

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