How do you gain (healthy) weight?

2007-03-01 5:17 am
I want to put on some weight, more so muscle weight. Baseball season starts at the end of May and I want to put more pop on the ball. I have been lifting weight since January 07'(biceps, triceps, and forearms), however, I am losing weight. I was at 130 and now I am at 120. I also want to put on weight so i look good in a bathin suit this summer. I have been doin 150 crunches a day (6-7 times per week) since mid-january 07'. My goal is to exceed 140 pounds by July 1st. What should I do?

回答 (8)

2007-03-01 5:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi buddy, Weight is nothing. You must take some non veg food like meat, chicken etc... And take fats foods also. How much you can take that much work or physical exercise you do. It’s the best way to increase your weight. Take push ups are the best way to increase your biceps...

All the best...

See the site given below which is based on physical fitness and yoga exercise...
2007-03-01 1:52 pm
How serious are you?

How many calories are you eating per day? Are you gaining weight? No? Bump it up 200-300 cals / day. Check every week and repeat until you are gaining.

Are you training correctly? Consistently? Are you concentrating on on compound movement that put on size (squat, deadlift, overhaed press, bench press, upright row, power cleans, barbell rows)? Getting at least 8 hrs of sleep/night, every night?

Bottom line, get used to eating every 2-3 hours. Eat "healthy", but don't worry about eating too "clean" (ground beef, steak, whole eggs, cheese, cream in protein shakes, natural peanut butter - for calories, oilve oil & nuts on salads, pasta. potatoes with the fixin's, etc.) - we're trying to put on muscle, here. There are NO shortcuts and no easy answers. You may ahe to give up the six-pack idea for a while. You may get sick from all the food you will be eating, because it may take alot of calories for you to start moving the needle on the scale. But when you can't get your arms in your shirts or when you bust the guts out of a ball it wil be worth it.

Good luck.
2007-03-01 1:47 pm
First thing you might want to do is find out what your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is. This will let you know how much calories your body needs at rest, just to keep you alive and breathing each and every day. You do that by plugging in the numbers to this formula:

Adult Male: 66 + (6.3 x body weight in lbs.) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Adult Female: 655 + (4.3 x weight in lbs.) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

After this you need to consider the amount of exercise you are doing every day. If you are very physically active, your body is going to burn more calories, and you'll therefore want to eat more if you want to gain weight.
Take into consideration how many calories you burn while doing the workouts you do, there are a lot of exercise calculators out there that can give you at least a rough estimate.

After you've figured out your BMR, you can then see how many calories you need to eat a day, while at rest. Make sure you eat foods like lean meats, and fish as they're a good source of protein. Vegetables go without saying, so make sure you're eating them too. Finish off with whey protein for before and after workouts so that you're muscles can grow, and you're set.
參考: How Stuff Works
2007-03-01 1:27 pm
To gain weight you have to eat more calories than you burn. When adding calories, try to stay away from adding too much fat. While you can get fat from eating carbohydrates or protein, your body likes to use carbohydrates as fuel more than fat. To gain muscle, in addition to eating more you have to stimulate your muscles enough through resistance training that while they recover, they'll get bigger and stronger. To get an efficient workout you might want to join a gym if you aren't already a member.

Guide to Gaining Weight -
2007-03-01 1:25 pm
You should go for more muscle building then toning. When you do high reps with the same weight, all your really doing is making your muscled look better, not really doing anything for them. Increase the weight. When your doing crunches, try it with a weight ball or something heavy and small. The point is to gain muscle which gains weight. Also protein, like meat, and complex carbs from specialized sports bars and drinks, will help you keep building longer.
2007-03-01 1:22 pm

The Zone diet is cutting-edge, given to professional athletes, including Olympians, to maximize their performance.

Within the framework of the Zone diet, eat more healthy fats such as almonds, walnuts, and avocado.
參考: I have a degree in holistic medicine, and I also study Western nutrition.
2007-03-01 1:22 pm
Exercising is not enough. Your putting on weight also depends on the kind of food you eat. You'd better take more eggs, milk and meat from now on.
2007-03-01 1:20 pm
whey or soy protein.

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