Should I Forgive Him???

2007-03-01 5:09 am
Im 13 years old,my boyfriend went to a birthday party{i wasnt there}and they were playing dare.One of his friends dared him to kiss my friend{she has a boyfried to}and he did it.But he said that he didnt want to and that they made them kiss and when i asked him if he was ever going to tell me he said no because he didnt want to hurt me{like me having to hear it from someone else is any better}Should i forgive him,break up with him,stay mad?Idk.what should i do???

回答 (34)

2007-03-01 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Break up with him. Kissing is cheating, dare or not.
2007-03-01 5:13 am
I think you should talk to him about it! I'm 13 too. If my boyfriend did that than I would be really mad! You're boyfriend shouldn't let peer pressure get to him!
2007-03-01 5:14 am
I know you hate to hear this but you are too young for a serious relationship. At 13 you want to enjoy your youth and not be tied down to one person. You don't want to be slutty either. These are the types of things that go on in your teenage years.
2007-03-01 5:13 am
Give him just one more chance, every one deserves the benefit of the doubt. Be ready if it happens again. Let him know you are angry, hurt and betrayed and he is on probation.
2007-03-01 5:12 am
well you better talk to legal aid to see if it's worth while to go after him for alimony....
2007-03-01 5:12 am
I think you should forgive him. It was a dare and he would have felt like he looked lame in front of the other guys/girls if he didn't go along with it. Both of you guys are really young...there's no sense in being mad at him over something like this. Just tell him no more truth or dare games. LOL
2016-12-05 3:17 pm
some thing that got here about over 25 years in the past virtually ruined my life. each and anytime i assumed about it, the hatred lower back. even notwithstanding the guy to blame not at all requested for my forgiveness, i ultimately did. some different person in touch did ask and through that factor I had enable pass of the animosity. There are some issues which ensue in life which could not at all be forgiven or forgotten. i'm happy I chosen to no longer enable it smash what years I absolutely have left.
2007-03-01 5:33 am
Thats a hard one! Why did he go without you? Why did she go without you? I don't know! Sounds a little shady to me! Well, I would have to say that you should maybe forgive him this time. Guys do silly things just to seem as though they are no punk in front of their friends. Hopefully that was the case. Anything like that happens again then show his a** to the door and say "to the left, to the left" <lyrics to irreplaceable>
2007-03-01 5:20 am
He played the game by the rules...and he handled it appropriately.

He was right - that your knowing about it would cause problems.

He didn't "cheat" ... he played a game that everyone was playing

You should handle it better.
He doesn't need forgiveness and you shouldn't be mad
2007-03-01 5:20 am
Its bad because he kissed your friend, at least it wasnt your bestfriend (was it ?) Never leave your man around any women, sometimes you cant trust your own sister (it depends on how close your relationship is.) You should forgive him, but dont forget the incident. Dont be stupid and let the same thing happen twice. What kind of kiss was it? was it tongue or a quick smooch? If he does anything stupid again dump him, your to good for that thing. Tell him to forget your feelings you want to know the truth.
2007-03-01 5:20 am
it all depends on how much you care about him. if you really care about him....then you shouldnt break up with him-but you should probably stay mad until you think that he gets the point and decides that its better to tell you things from now on...and i think you should also tell your friends boyfriend if he doesnt already know.....
2007-03-01 5:19 am
Dude! You're 13 and have a boyfriend? Is it a *serious* relationship? o_O

But anyway, it was a game. Why be angry? Would you kiss another guy in a dare game? And what kind of kiss are we talking about? Pash? Peck? If you want to break up, sure go ahead. If you're in a serious relationship (even though I don't know how you could be, you're only 13) then maybe talk to him about what he did, but otherwise just leave it. It was only a game, I'm sure you would do the same to another guy in a game.

And no, I'm not an adult. I'm a teenager. And this kind of thing HAS happened to me before.

But my quick answer is > dump him if you want, if you really want to stay with him, stay with him. Simple as that.
2007-03-01 5:18 am
Relax...forgive him.. if the same thing or something similar happens again, then dump him. You're 13 years old.. you are not going to marry this guy ( even if you feel like you will or would like to). This all seems fairly inocent as long as he does not let you down again.
2007-03-01 5:18 am
Break up with him. No good boyfriend would kiss your friend or anyone else for that matter. They call is "playing dare" because it is just a game, and you don't HAVE to do any of it. If he were a good boyfriend then he would have said no, I have a girl friend and I'm not going to kiss anyone but her. And it sounds like this is a crappy friend too. Remember that she kissed him too, and its not just him you should be mad at. She should be ashamed of her self for being the worst possible friend and being an awful girlfriend. Drop them BOTH!
參考: Good luck honey, and don't let it get you down, this stuff happens a lot when you are young. The best friends and boyfriends come around AFTER high school.
2007-03-01 5:16 am
I would break up with him.
You have the best judgement for the situation though.
2007-03-01 5:16 am
Sure you will

Dont misunderstand me

But he didnt wanted to do that.
2007-03-01 5:15 am
hey dont worry about, tell your boyfriend it really hurt you... and you just want honesty! I went threw the same thing like a month ago and told him straight out.. if you want this relationship to work you better start being honest.. if you do that i swear, you will then see if he loves you or not. Then you can decide whether or not to stay with him
2007-03-01 5:14 am
Get over it.

Some day you may want him to forgive you for something you did.
2007-03-01 5:14 am
It was just a game at a party so didn't mean anything. It sounds as if his friends weren't going to let him get out of it. You know how things can be at parties.
Forgive him & carry on being good friends.
2007-03-01 5:14 am
if he reallky cared about you it wouldt had ever happened
2007-03-01 5:13 am
You are to young to be worried about a boyfriend. Also, dare is just a game. He was just following the rules of the game. Someone dared him to kiss her so he kissed her. Don't worry so much about it.
2007-03-01 5:13 am
honey dint be angry learn to ignore mistakes
2007-03-01 5:13 am
if your able to forget it and move on then go ahead and forgive him. It didn't mean nothing girl it was just a dare thing. guys will do lots of dumb stuff at parties okay..believe me...i was like 18 or 19 and i was engaged and he was drinking and well like him and my best friend made out and stuff and she told me and i was mad for a second then i forgave them..we got married..her and i still know at parties you have to forgive them even if they are sober okay...just cuz that is the way it is k..idk either...if you don't....naww no reason to stay mad that don't do no good...just be cool if you like him and he likes you that is waht matters k?
2007-03-01 5:13 am
You're 13, you'll meet a lot more men in your life. Break up if you want to, but it really was only a dare. Go with your gut.
2007-03-01 5:13 am
I think you are still young, I don't mean that meanly. What I mean is that you guys are still young. I am not perfect in relationships. But in my experience you need to have some faith. There are some good guys out there. You're only 13, you're not married. For him to give your friend a meaningless kiss means nothing. Just talk to him tell him how you feel and just be patient babe. Things aren't always what they may seem. :)
2007-03-01 5:13 am
Why was he playing a kissing game if you weren't there? Who else did he kiss?
2007-03-01 5:12 am
yeah forgive him. give him a break he was getting peer pressure..
2007-03-01 5:14 am
if ur breaking up wid him jus for dis den u guys wont last long.forgive him, and besides its ur friend dat he kiss.everybody deserves a second chance.
2007-03-01 5:14 am
You are 13 YEARS OLD!!!!! You dont need a boyfriend. You will not find true love until you are much older so why have a boyfriend now!!!
2007-03-01 5:13 am
Ur only 13.. do u know how many bf's ur gonna have in ur lifetime???? well wut i would tell u is to tell him that you are hurt, and how would he feel if you kissed one of his friends... and if is is truly sorry, tell him to make it up to you! if not.. go and kiss one of his friends!
2007-03-01 5:12 am
Forgive the poor guy. Don't stay mad. Why? Staying mad is like letting bad feelings live in your head for free. No free rent for bad feelings!
2007-03-01 5:13 am
It was just a game. Get over it.
2007-03-01 5:12 am
it ws just a dare!! come on!! he luves u.. u must forgive him..
2007-03-01 5:11 am
lol...grow up..........
you're only 13. Spend more time to think about useful stuff than whether I should be mad at him, break up with him or whatever.

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