How much better is Kobe Bryant than MJ?

2007-03-01 5:07 am
Kobe is just amazing. The guy can do anything with the ball, unlike MJ. He took his team to the playoffs BY HIMSELF. MJ could not have accomplished anything without the help of Rodman, Kukoc, Pippen, etc.

回答 (39)

2007-03-01 5:22 am
2007-03-01 5:10 am
nnnnnooooo u got it backwards mj is better than kobe
2007-03-01 5:17 am
this won't win best answer I'm sure but there is no way that Kobe is better than Michael. and I am not really a fan of either. when critics said Michael couldn't do anything, he always disproved them. when they called him a ballhog, he went on to lead the league in assists. both will go down in the greatest of all-time, but when Jordan retired they called it NBA pm (post-Michael)... I don't think they'll do that when Kobe retires.
2007-03-01 5:17 am
Stop using crack. No way is Kobe better. If he is as good as you say, he would have taken his team farther. Like winning the championship. How did Chicago do without MJ?

MJ is simply the best.
2007-03-01 5:16 am
MJ is still better than Kobe because Kobe can't play without Shaq. Those two were the perfect matchup. Plus, Jordan was more of a team player, and relied on them, unlike Kobe, who is the most selfish player in the league (I think)
2007-03-01 5:11 am
MJ is better, he made the players around him better. Bryant does not do that, Bryant is a gunner.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
you've got it backwards.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
-10 = kobe is no where near MJ.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
Kobe can lead his team to the playoffs, but he sure couldn't win it like Jordan could. Kobe ain't nothing without Shaq.
2007-03-01 5:10 am
this must be kobe himself...cuz he's the only one who would ever believe anything like that.
2007-03-01 5:23 am
He is not better than MJ. What has Kobe done since Shaq left? All you need to do to realize Jordan's greatness is to look at the two years during the Bulls' run in the '90s when they DIDN'T win. They won '91-'93 and '96-'98. Jordan was playing baseball in '94, and wasn't himself yet when he came back in '95. True, Jordan did have some talent around him, but none were really great players, but very good players. He made them better. Can you say the same for Kobe? Do you remember Jordan against Utah when he had the flu in '98 when he was on the verge of collapsing. Now that's a man, and a team player. What did Kobe do against Phoenix in the final playoff game last year? He QUIT, plain and simple. He quit on his team, taking only two shots in the second half. Do you think Jordan would have done that? No, and he would have gotten in the face of anyone who did. You need to wake up.
2007-03-01 5:16 am
mj is better than kobe hands down
2007-03-01 5:13 am
Well.....MJ is better looking, has a WHOLE lot more money than K.B. has or will ever have....hmmmm....MJ hasn't been drug through the media with extra marital relationships.....MJ is a CLASS ACT where as KB has a LONG way to go. I'll always be a MJ fan.
2007-03-01 5:12 am
I think that MJ is still better
2007-03-01 5:11 am
Minus 3 Michael Jordan won 6 championships. Kobe hasn't accomplished diddly squat since his pimp daddy Shaq left the team. But OH who won the championship last year? I believe pimp daddy Shaq did.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
MJ would leave Kobie's feet stuck to the floor.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
uhhh how many rings does MJ have? How bout kobe? thats my answer. o and by the way MJ has about double kobes, just to let u know.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
No way! MJ is one of the best to have ever played the game. Kobe is a great ball player, but no matter how many times people try to compair him to MJ, he will never be him or be as good as him. He lost a lot of fans because of the stink that got kicked up between him and Shaq. And since Shaq left, he has shown that he cannot be great without someone like Shaq. MJ dominated the game and was the reason they won so many champioships and could have done it regardless who his teammates were, Kobe doesn't even come close.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
And Kobe can't do a thing without Shaq. Michael Jordan was the best player ever...Kobe isn't even close.
2007-03-01 5:15 am
LOL. MJ can't rape a white woman anywhere NEAR as good as KOBE.
2007-03-04 3:25 am
Kobe i will be better when his career is over. there are not many players in the league that could guard him.he is the best right now and will be the best of all time. he comes up in the clutch and is a born leader. now for those that say kobe isn't a team player and is selfish then why does he lead the lakers with assists per game.
2007-03-04 2:35 am
Something wrong wit u because Kobe Ballhog is not better than Michael Jordan unless it comes to raping the little girls...
2007-03-04 12:15 am
This answer is not straightforward because its like asking how much better are apples to ice cream. Still, comparing Kobe now (he is almost at his prime) and MJ at his prime-

- Kobe to me has a more rounded game- he can shoot three's, set up team mates, single-handedly defeat a teams. Kobe has more profound life experiences (trial, serving as big brother to teammates, pounding by Shaq, high school to NBA) than MJ had at his prime which I would say may make him a bit more sensitive and mature than MJ in some aspects. Examples would be encouraging teammates (just ask Kwame Brown and Brad Sellers what MJ did to their careers and ask Smush Parker about Kobe) and handling criticism (notice Kobe's response to Shaq's post-trade criticism and Phil Jackson's book).

- MJ had more charisma, this means a lot because it forces a little fear in opponents and may weaken their mental focus against you to a little but significant extend (Jeff Van Gundy and Jerry Stackhouse complained this). MJ to me has more killer-instinct and the ability to lead a team to getting the game close then hitting the game winner (the most popular is the last shot he took as a Chicago Bulls member). MJ was more athletic and mentally tougher.

Its very hard to compare but with all things being equal, the player I like more with the ball is Kobe. MJ is a hall of famer for sure and can lay claim to being one of the best ever. However, the NBA is all about winning and both can hit the game winner (although MJ is more proven). However, Kobe can do some little but significant things better like set up team mates, hit big 3's which can make a difference when opponents crowd the lane or double the player.
參考: TNT NBA games, reading articles on
2007-03-03 3:05 pm
Kobe Bryant is ten times better than Michael Jordan. Ok sure, Michael Jordan was a better basketball player all around, I will give you that. But who is better at being Michael Jordan???? I would have to say that at this point....Kobe Bryant, through his lifelong efforts and studies of Michael Jordan, has actually become better than Michael himself at being Michael Jordan. If you take a look at interviews and mannerisms, Kobe is ten times better than Michael at being Michael Jordan.
2007-03-03 6:34 am
jajajajajajaja better? never in his life.
2007-03-03 4:34 am
kobe is a far better shooter than jordan ever was, also, kobe was younger than MJ when he won a championship / MVP, etc. Kobe, because he's a better shooter can close out games better than MJ. they're about the same in dunking, but Kobe is far better in shooting
2007-03-02 10:12 pm
Kobe is in my opinion way better he is now learning to share the ball and that means hes only getting better.And im a die hard lakers fan!
2007-03-01 5:53 pm
he's not until he wins more championships than Jordan.
Jordan had to become more of a team player so the Bulls could win championships. Kobe's all about himself.
2007-03-01 2:05 pm
Are you serious? You must be confused. For one thing, Kobe did not take the Lakers to the playoffs on his own. Did he score every point in every game? Absolutely not. He had the most dominant Center to ever play the game by his side as well. Secondly, Kukoc and Rodman. Kukoc could shoot the 3 and Rodman was strictly a rebounder. That's the only reason those guys were on the team. Sound familiar? The Lakers have had similar lineups along with EVERY other team in the past. You need guys to shoot the deep ball and guys who can rebound and guys who can finesse the ball. My main point, though, is that- you take away Kobe from the Lakers in the early 2000's they still had a pretty talented team (Shaq, for one, stupid). You take away MJ from the Bulls in the early 90's and you got nothing. It's the blind leading the blind out there. Pippen, decent, but not a leader, not without MJ. Shaq would do just fine by his fat self.
2007-03-01 6:49 am
Please get a clue about basketball.Nuff Said.
2007-03-01 5:18 am
2007-03-01 5:14 am
They are very similiar players. However no matter what Kobe does he will never be recognized as a better player then Jordan. This being said, While Kobe and Jordan have the best skills ever. There career stats are very similiar to Wilt Chambelain However Wilt had way more rebounds + he never had a player to complement his game like Jordan had pippen and Kobe had Shaq.
2007-03-01 5:11 am
what about fisher and shaq for all those years. dont get me wrong he still is good and it is too hard to compare athletes from different eras
2007-03-01 6:36 am
This is a question that will never be answered properly because most of the people that are answering these questions grew up idolizing Jordan. He is like a superhero to many. People keep saying that Kobe couldn't win without Shaq, which is true, But what did Jordan do without Pippen, diddly squat! Kobe-shaq Lakers would kill MJ's Bulls. I'm tired of hearing about 6 rings to three. Horry has about 6 rings, does that mean he's better than Karl Malone or Charles Barkley? If those bulls teams played in the Western Conference today, Jordan would have Maybe 1 or 2 rings. Besides Magic was the Best all around player ever.
2007-03-01 6:08 am
In the big picture, not much. MJ has the tittles and MVPs! But as fare as individual talent, Kobe is the best ever, and will be for a long time. Plus, MJ is done and what he has accomplished is in the books. Kobe on the other hand has 12 more years and could have every think MJ has and more. So, only time can tell, but as a Lakers fan, I would say Kobe is GOD and MJ is St. Peter… or something like that!
2007-03-01 5:15 am
there both the greatest in history, but I dont know if i can say who is better
2007-03-01 5:14 am
Kobe shoots better in 3's,he holds the record for three-pointers in one game...think about that aspect that MJ don't have that Kobe has..
2007-03-01 5:10 am
2007-03-01 5:26 am
way better i mean mj scored 61 and kobe got 81

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