Prove help(Linear Algebra)?

2007-02-28 5:31 pm
Prove that if A is an n x n matrix and nonsingular matrix

then, det A^-1 = 1/(det A)

回答 (4)

2007-02-28 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To prove that det(A)*det(B) = det(AB) Iwould suggest to use the 3 basic operations that can be done by matrix multiplication:
1. Switch two rows(or columns) - negates the determinants sign.
2. Multiplying a row(or a column) by a scalar - multiply the determinant by that scalar.;
3. Adding a row multiplied by a scalar to another row - no change.

Every square matrix is a product of those elementart matrix, and the product of their determinants is the determinant of their product.

1=det(I) = det(A * A^-1) = det(A)*det(A^-1)
Multiply by det(A)^-1 and you'll get

det(A)^-1 = det(A^-1)
2016-11-27 9:26 am
he's attempting out you out. arithmetic is the single technological information that can by no potential be incorrect. a million +a million consistently = 2 it can not equivalent something. What he's fairly after is to be certain you coach that using algebra. Even a genius could no longer coach something that may no longer real. He might hoodwink you yet, ultimately you will consistently get the comparable answer. So, enable's see if we are able to positioned something collectively for him. assume that the respond is an unknown quantity : x Then if a million+ a million = x then x ought to = 2 in spite of the undeniable fact that if we carry x in the time of and substitute it with a million then we get a million - x = -a million (so a ways x + 2 nevertheless) pass the different a million in the time of and we get -x = -a million-a million so, all of sudden -x + -2 to that end we've 2 solutions. yet, back, it extremely is in basic terms fooling around with figures. All this proves that a million + a million = 2 and not something. tell him which you're certainly a genius on account which you have proved that a million + a million does no longer = a million and notice what he says. playstation : Slider is misguided by assuming X + X = X. it extremely is like assuming a million + a million = a million it extremely is the impossible merchandise of the workout interior the 1st place.
2007-02-28 5:38 pm
Look, any number with a negative exponent can be turned into 1/number.
In this case, your exponent is -1
So, you turn the number around and you get 1/(det A)^1

This is actually a mathematical rule, so....
2007-02-28 5:35 pm
Can you use the property that:

det(AB) = (detA)(detB) ?

if so, then you got it since the det of the identity is 1

Carla misunderstood the question. You asked about the deteminant of a matrix, not the inverse of a real number.

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