Song in "1 Litre of Tears"?

2007-02-28 4:31 pm
There's a piano/orchestra song at the VERY end of this series, at the end of the last episode, when photos of the real girl are rolling by.

I can't find this song anywhere on the internet! It's not Konayuki or Only Human or March 9th. In fact, I don't think this song has words at all, which is probably it's not so popular. But it's really pretty... piano, woodwinds, and strings!

If you still don't know which song I mean, go to this link:
And skip to the end of the clip... with the end credits.

Can someone pleeeease tell me the name of this song? Or even better, where do download it?

(Please, please don't give me a random download site. I've been to ALL of them and there's only Konayuki, Only Human, March 9th... in short, the singable pop songs. But I really want to know the name of THIS song!!)

Thanks!! ^_^

And yes, I know that "Only Human" is the ending song for every episode EXCEPT the very last one =p. And it's this "very last one" that I want to know. Heheh. Arigatou ~

回答 (2)

2007-02-28 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually it's the theme song. "1 Littoru no Namida ~ Main Theme"

You can download the whole ost here

It's the first song in that list. Hope this helps ^______~
2007-03-01 12:17 am
I'm going to finish eps 10 and 11 tonight...the very best j-dorama i've ever seen.

doesn't answer your question, but i thought i'd just say anyways. =)

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