✔ 最佳答案
SWOT = Strength + Weakness + Opportunity + Threat
Strength: Brand, low-price, food quality, culture, etc
Weakness: unhealthy food image, increase in production cost,
Opportunity: more business opportunity in China.
Threat: more competitors in market
1. MacDonald's positioning strategy = 4S (Standardisation, Simplification, Specialization, etc)
Standardization = meaning their food, services, furniture, decorations are standardized.
Simplification = meaning that the company tries to simplify their operation procedures and management.
Specialization = meaning that the company tries to specialize their food according to local people's preference.
Consumer Segment: children, working class, vegetarians, elderlies and low-income groups.
Product Segment: Happy Meal ---> Children, elderlies
Lunch Set and Morning Breakfast Set ---> Working Class
Salads ---> Vegetarians
2. External Environment that may affect MacDonald's present & furture:
Increased Education --->People concern more healthy diets --> reduce consumption on junk food & fast food.
Fewer Children in HK ---> Aging of population in HK intensify --> fewer demand towards MacDonald's.
2007-03-01 00:17:45 補充:
Threat: more competitors in market, customers' rejection towards genetically-made food, etc.