英文1分鐘短講(help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!)

2007-03-01 7:50 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-01 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1: talk about your school.
2: talk about Hong Kong (any places)
3: talk about public facilities (like library, play ground, basketball court...)

1 minutes is very short. By these topic, you can talk a lot. Good luck^_^

2007-03-01 00:07:55 補充:
example: 1)The school I am going to talk about is XXX Secondary School. It is located in XXX. The facilities of this school is very good. It has 123 floor, 123 rooms, There is also a basketball court. The students can have their lecture there and have exercise during lunch time.

2007-03-01 00:08:42 補充:
example; 1) continueA food court is located inside the school so that students do not have to go out of the shcool and be able to have their lunch, snacks, and drinks. A computer lab can provide student internet services so that they can catch up the information of the world.

2007-03-01 00:09:20 補充:
example: 1) continueXXX Secondary School can provide excellent environment for students for their knowledge development.
參考: Me
2007-03-01 7:59 am
一分鐘其實唔長, 好快就過....
你可以 pick 一 d 自己0既興趣 (e.g. soccer, basketball, swimming, etc....) 再唔係食物都可以.....諗一 d 容易講0既題目就可以, 當作介紹.....
唔知你依家讀緊邊年班, 好難就咁作比你, 都要顧及英文水平.....

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