
2007-03-01 7:06 am




4.你認為電車有什麼好處,就你所知,你覺得電車應否擴展到其他市鎮? 可唔可以譯一次

回答 (3)

2007-03-01 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What do you think of the travelling speed of the tram? Based on your answer, do you think the tram will get eliminated?

Do you think the travel cost on trams is reasonable? Do you think this can attract more people to use the tram? Can you give a few examples on this?

Becuase trans doesn't cause air pollution, do you think this is advantageous to other transports?

What are the benefits of trams? Based on your knowledge, do you think trams should be adopted in other cities?

Will you choose to travel by tram to go sightseeing in Hong Kong?

If there were no trams, what kinds of negative factors do you think would arise in the Hong Kong's economy?

Base on you knowledge, do you think the people of Hong Kong today know about the tram? What kind of impressions do you think they have on the tram?

What improvements can be made on the trams to extend its usage?

If trams were installed with air-conditioning, do you think this can increase the number of patronage on the trams?

2007-03-01 11:37:44 補充:
Correction- 3. Because trams doesn't cause air pollution, do you think this is advantageous to other kinds of transports?4. What are the benefits of trams? Base on your knowledge, do you think trams should be adopted in other cities?
參考: me me me!!!
2007-03-01 8:04 am
How would you comment on the speed of the trams?
Do you think trams will be replaced?
[In questionnaire design, it is a bad question because the second half is loading idea to the first half. The respondent is hinted to say slow, because the term replace is hinting so.]

Do you consider the fee of the trams reasonable?
Do you think such fee can increase ridership?
Can you give an example?
[Again, bad wording. And what example are you expecting?]

Would you consider trams as a better transportation based on the fact that they do not contribute to air pollution?

What are some strengths of the tram system?
Should the tram system expand to other towns? Why?

Would you consider taking a tram for sightseeing in Hong Kong?

What kind of economic drawback(s) would you suggest if trams disappeared?
[Bad wording becuase the term 壞處 is not neutral.]

Do Hong Kong citizens know trams very well? What is the emotional linkage between them and the trams?
[Stop using 就你所知, everyone fill in their questionnaire 就 that person 所知, it's redundant.]

What improvement(s) would you suggest so that the tram system can be widely utilized?

Would air-conditioning on the trams increase ridership?

- Please limit ONE QUESTION to ONE NUMBER. It's a big no no for questionaire to contain multiple questions within one number. You'll either end up with diluted answer or even complete missing of partial answer.

- There are so many yes/no question, and you can actually consider the system of rating:
How likely does the air-conditioning on trams increase ridership?
[ ] Very likely [ ] Quite likely [ ] No idea [ ] Not likely [ ] Very unlikely
So that you'll have more in-depth data.

- Use more neutral wording. The wording now is completely fishing for answers the questionnarie designer wish to see. Questions 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 all have such problem.
2007-03-01 7:16 am
1. How do you feel about the speed of trams? And based on your reasons, do you think motorbikes will be eliminated?

2. Do you think the fare for a tram is acceptable? Do you think this is the reason why trams can attract its customers? Can you please list a few examples?

3. Do you think that trams will cause air pollution and are they a better mode of transportation compared to others?

4. What kind of advantages you think trams will acquire, and based on what you know, do you think that their services should be expanded to other new towns?

5. Will you ride on the tram to visit and sight-see attractions in Hong Kong?

6. If trams are eliminated, how will it impact negatively to Hong Kong's economy?

7. Based on your knowledge, do you feel that Hong Kong residents know sufficiently about trams? How would you think of their feelings towards trams?

8. Are there any room for improvements for tram services in order to maximize its usage capacity?

9. Would you think that more people will use the trams if they add air-conditioning services to the trams?

I hope you will like and use my translation! Good luck la~

2007-02-28 23:39:04 補充:
Sorry for the first one, there is a typo.1. How do you feel about the speed of trams? And based on your reasons, do you think TRAMS will be eliminated? (trams, not motorbokes)And laina577, don't copy my answer!!!!
參考: myself

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