亞洲萬里通 (煩請幫忙)

2007-03-01 6:50 am

回答 (4)

2007-03-01 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 我係會員
2007-03-01 1:03 pm
it's free. just need go to www.asiamiles.com and select your language then you have to fill out the form application, finally you'll become a member. and they won't mail you the member card until when you use it at first time.
2007-03-01 8:39 am
坐完果程機你既boarding pass keep 返先,just in case if you can't show 'em your AsiaMiles card.

搭完之後可以上返website 補返賺取里數.....仲有係有部份信用卡,你既簽賬積分可以換asiamiles積分


2007-03-02 11:44:43 補充:
據我以前申請時的例子,你上website申請後asiamiles會email 俾你,內附一張臨時既asiamiles member card 既image 俾你印出黎。當你上機去做登樹手續時你show 一show 你張臨時卡,唔記得拎卡就遲d上返website login 後紀錄返你當日既行程 。我記得新會員(asiamiles 仲未寄卡俾你)如果要上website 補兌換里數,好似有大約一個月時間限制。例如你上次飛係1Jan2007,如果你2Feb2007先補返兌換里數asiamiles 唔會受理。
參考: asiamiles member
2007-03-01 6:54 am

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