USA visa for single woman (very important)

2007-03-01 6:28 am
I want to go to USA to see my friends in July. I am single woman and 24yrs old. I have a stable job and work for about 1yr. Salary is about 1K-2K. I afraid the interview. I don't know I should tell they the true (I go to USA because I want to see my friends. BUT I have not write down my friends address in the application form) or just tell they I go to USA alone for visit.

Salary should be about 10-20K


I am now working in governemt department. I have signed the contract for 3 yrs! I just finish the contract for 1.5 yrs!

回答 (4)

2007-03-02 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i got my US visa last year at around oct
our situation r similar
the most important thing is well prepare all the useful document

1. bank receipt of DAI SANG BANG

2. company letter with salary(claimed that u won't stay in the state after yr visit...u must go back to hk. u can explain to them that u r really appreciate of yr salary..u won;t give it up)<---the counselor ask me about the salary and job stuffs a lot

3. go there earlier....last time...i waited in a huge line for like 45 mins

4. correct pic (i saw many ppl sent back to take pic and then went to wait on the line again)

5. tell them the truth (i did the same thing...cos i went to disney with family...and i told them my parents will pay for most of the bill...i earned around 16K a month...but i still not earning enough $$ to pay for the whole trip for 2 weeks by myself la....hahahhahah)

6. if u say u will visit yr friend, i think it will be fine...tell them the address and the contact of yr friend...

7. remember: keep telling them u must come back!!!!!!!!

8. pls check yr passport for the expiry date(at least 6 months validation before u go to travel...if not...get a new one before apply for visa la...otherwise...u need to bring 2 visa to travel ga la)<----my case: old passport with us visa+new valid passport

as u r working for the government, and u hv the contract stuffs....just tell them u need to finish the contract or else u will get into trouble...

hope it can help u^^

p.s. i get a 10 year travel visa ar....
good luck
2007-03-01 12:48 pm
you only work there for 1 yr; I don't think it count on stable job. I also hope you mis-type the salry you make. 1K-2K.... not much at all.

1) a lot of people said you write 探人; they will reject you!!
my sister wrote 探人 ; they gave her 10 years travel visa in January 07. (she is 23 years-old single)

My sister work at the same job for 6 years, company letter, my parent's US visa and their bank's statement (because they paid for the vacation) and her very little money bank's statement.

How long you been working at that job? (make sure bring HK goverment give you the tax information; it show where you work. at least 2 to 3 years in the same job; your chance is better )

If 旅行; you need detail for the date, time, place while you vist US.
If 探人; make sure you write down there address and contact information. (very important; they think anything happen; they have place to look for you. If you write hotel; where can they find you if you run away!!)

If there is possible; try to apply with you dad & mom, chance should be better.
If you passport had some stamp from other country; that is good too.

The Main point is they just don't want you enter US and stay there.

If you could provide more your information; I may be able to answer you better. e.g.: age

2) 見大概要見幾耐...?
some people less than a minute, some few question. my younger sister 15 mins

3) 見個陣會問的咩問題.....?
why you go to U.S.? Who go with you? How long you stay? When are you going?
also a lot of different question! some of them depend your application form!
e.g. my sister ask her job, me (I am US citizen) when & How I go U.S., How did I become US citizen, What do I do for living? my dad & mom's job and company.

tell them the truth.... nothing but the T R U T H !! if they found out you lie; you will be reject right the way! sometime they ask you a question and later ask you something else to match your last answer. (they did to my sister)

Hope it can hlep you!
2007-03-01 8:31 am
just tell the interviewer the truth. U are going to visit your friends. However, if ur salary
is 1k or even 2k u don't have a foot to stand on. They will ask u where u will be staying
how are u going to get around if don't know anyone there. The interviewers are no fools
2007-03-01 7:35 am

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