
2007-03-01 6:22 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-01 10:14 pm
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Délifrance 於1985年正式進駐香港,並於金鐘開設了全港首間以法國文化為主題的咖啡室餅店。集團現已發展成為香港極具規模的連鎖三文治及咖啡專門店,於港九新界各主要地點為您帶來法式新鮮滋味。

作為香港的餐飲連鎖店先驅,Délifrance 的成功全賴對品質及服務質素的執著。Délifrance 堅持選用最新鮮的材料,並依照傳統食譜,於充滿法國巴黎風情的環境下烹調出地道法式口味。多款美食在您面前人手製造,Délifrance 的食物保證幾時都至新鮮、至法式。

在短短的廿年裡,隨著時代的變遷,Délifrance 的營商策略也有所改變。現在,我們主要朝著三個經營概念而發展:小賣亭、咖啡店及餐廳。

Délifrance 小賣亭

深知香港人生活節奏急促,為了方便客人容易購買一系列新鮮焗製的麵包、三文治及法式酥點,所以自2000年起Délifrance 一直在地鐵站開設小賣亭,而在2005年還分別在九龍塘及沙田火車站開設了兩所小賣亭。從早到晚,Délifrance 小賣亭均提供多款產品優惠推廣:包括早餐時段的多款軟包/酥卷及飲品套餐方便返工返學的您,中午時段設有法式三文治套餐給忙碌的一族,至於晚上可選擇精美蛋糕和知己良朋慶祝享受一番。

Délifrance 咖啡店

Délifrance 咖啡店全日提供自助餐牌包括經典法式三文治及各式精美酥餅,及最新推廣的熱餐及甜品系列,客人還可細意品嚐香濃的咖啡。自1985年起,充滿巴黎色彩的餐桌和藤椅已是在客人心目中Délifrance 的象徵。為了使客人用餐感受更舒適,我們逐漸將咖啡店的室內設計更新,如將分店的燈光較暗以加添情調、把牆身翻身、加配梳化等,以配合整體店舖的形象提升計劃。

BistroDélifrance 餐廳

基於今日顧客對食肆的要求提高了不少,我們在2005年全新推出 BistroDélifrance --- (French Casual Dining Restaurant) --- 在輕鬆舒適的餐廳環境下,提供多類型熱食及法式傳統的佳餚,正是我們今日所追求的目標。不論在食品、環境及服務方面,BistroDélifrance 也給客人更稱心滿意的感受。就來親身體驗這個飲食新概念!
2007-03-01 6:27 am


To be the best Premium Café Operator in Asia offering unique French lifestyle environment, serving quality, fresh and healthy food with Good Value, delighting customers with authentic French recipes of crunchy baguette, buttery croissant, the best-in-town bakery items and sandwiches and more.
Our product development department commits to providing high quality products for our customers. We regularly do product testing, making sure that they are in good condition. Besides, we continuously improve the production process, machinery and equipment, letting our customers have the ideal dining experience and our employees a safe working environment.
Customer Promise :
Quality, Freshness, Value and Service


To meet with the fast pace of Hong Kong people, and provide them conveniently with a series of well-baked brioche, sandwiches and French pastries, since year 2000, we have been setting up kiosks at MTR stations and in 2005 we had set up two more kiosks at Kowloon Tong and Shatin KCRC stations. Délifrance Kiosk has various promotions for the different day parts. In the morning, there is the brioche and drink set which makes it easy for you to grab and go. During lunch, if you want something simple, just pick a French sandwich and a juice bottle. At night, if you want to enjoy good dessert, our cake and tart choices are plenty.


Délifrance Café offers self-service menu including classic French sandwiches, different kinds of pastries and the newly promoted hot meals and desserts. Besides, customers can taste our fine fresh brewed coffee. Since 1985, the Parisian tables and rattan chairs have become the symbol of Délifrance in the hearts of many. To make our customers more comfortable while dining, we intentionally tuned down the lighting to make the ambiance more suitable, we also refurbished our café by re-painting the wall and adding more sofa, which were parts of the grand image enhancement program.


As customers have raised their dining standard to a large extent, in 2005, we launched BistroDélifrance with the concept of a French Casual Dining Restaurant, under the comfortable dining environment, providing various hot meals and French traditional cuisine, and that's what we strive for.
In order to provide better service to our customers, BistroDélifrance has gone full service. At BistroDélifrance, we provide table reservation, guest reception, food ordering and serving. There are various menus tailored for our customers, hot meals and desserts are top picks. We also have prepared Bistro Kid's Menu and we hope that they can have fun while enjoying our meals. We will continue to provide newspaper and magazines for leisure reading. BistroDélifrance represents high food standard, quality services and comfortable dining environment. Come and experience yourself!

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:10:28
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