
2007-03-01 6:06 am
我想問下children are given lucky money 這句話的文法對不對?

回答 (5)

2007-03-01 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Grammatically, this sentence: "children are given lucky money " is correct. You are emphasizing here children (i.e. subject) receive lucky money (object). If it is writen as "Lucky money is given to children", the emphasis changes to lucky money (subject). The meaning is about the same but the main focus/subject is different. Of course, you can also use direct speech: children receive lucky money (...from their relatives).

Lucky money can also be replaced by pocket money or red pockets if you are talking about the fortune money that are given out in Chinese New Year.

You did a good job already. Keep it up.
2007-03-01 6:21 am
You may say,
Children get lucky money or;
Lucky money is given to the children.
參考: myself
2007-03-01 6:11 am
children got lucky money 牙
2007-03-01 6:10 am
children are given lucky money 對

2007-02-28 22:13:43 補充:
2007-03-01 6:09 am
lucky money ?
利是既英文係 red pocket

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