
2007-03-01 5:38 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-02 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
About The International Planned Parenthood Federation:
We are the strongest global voice safeguarding sexual and reproductive health and rights for people everywhere.
We have six Regional Offices:

Africa (Nairobi, Kenya)
Arab World (Tunis, Tunisia)
Europe (Brussels, Belgium)
South Asia (New Delhi, India)
East, South East Asia and Oceania (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Western Hemisphere (New York, USA)
We are a global network of Member Associations, and we work in around 180 countries - providing and campaigning for sexual and reproductive health care and rights.
What we believe

We believe that sexual and reproductive rights should be internationally recognized as human rights and therefore guaranteed for everyone.
We encourage individuals, women in particular, to take control of their reproductive lives.
We promote equality between men and women, aiming to eliminate gender biases, especially those that threaten the well-being of women and girls.
Above all we promote choices.
Our advances in sexual and reproductive health and rights have always faced challenges from conservative political and religious forces, and this is no different today.
We work in partnership with like-minded organizations, galvanizing support to confront those who want to take away these rights.

The 5As

Strategic framework
Our work
Approximately 32 million visits a year are made to over 58,000 IPPF facilities worldwide.
The services our facilites provide for these users include counselling, gynaecological care, HIV-related services, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, infertility services, mother and child health, emergency contraception and abortion-related services.
2007-03-02 7:08 am
香 港 家 庭 計 劃 指 導 會

工 作 範 疇

家 庭 計 劃 指 導 會 一 直 致 力 推 廣 生 殖 與 性 健 康 知 識 , 藉 此 減 少 不 安 全 的 墮 胎 行 為 , 改 善 社 會 人 口 與 資 源 分 配 之 間 的 平 衡 , 從 而 提 高 人 類 生 活 的 質 素 。 隨 著 社 會 對 健 康 及 教 育 的 需 求 不 斷 增 加 , 本 會 在 多 個 工 作 範 疇 上 作 出 了 嶄 新 嘗 試 , 冀 能 與 時 並 進 , 貢 獻 社 會 。


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