
2007-03-01 4:46 am
1.係黃昏嘅時候攞住一桶魚,唸住俾佢主人......(past tenes)
2.你好.新年就快到啦!我非想渴望aunt and uncle 黎到香港,同我哋一齊慶祝新年.係新年前幾日,我地可以行花市,有好多唔同既花,例如:桃花,梅花,五代同堂等.如果想知道更多關於花市既資料,可瀏覽:http://www.discoverhongkong.com.我哋更可以係1月30日係Victoria harbaur between Central amd Tsim Sha Tsui睇煙花,或者係屋企睇電視觀賞煙花.

回答 (2)

2007-03-01 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I took a bucket of fish in evening and wanted to give to the master.
2. Hello, Chinese New Year is coming! I hope that my aunt and uncle will go to Hong Kong and will celebrate the new year. On few days before the new year, we will go to flower market and look for a lot of different types of flowers, included peach blossom, plum blossom, nipple fruit and so on. If we want to know more the information about flower market, please go to http://www.discover hongkong.com. On 30th January we also have a firework show at Victoria harbaur between Central amd Tsim Sha Tsui, or watch the firework in television.
參考: My knowledge and translaction
2007-03-01 5:05 am
1. I carried a bucket of fish in the evening and I supposed to give it to his master.

2. How are you? The new year is coming! I am looking forward to seeing aunt and uncle when they come to Hong Kong to cerebrate the new year with us. We can go to the flower market some days before the new year. There will be a lot of different flowers, like peach blossom, plum blossom and "five generations together", etc. If they want to know more about the flower market, they may browse the website: http://www.discoverhongkong.com. We can also watch the firework display on 30 January at the Victoria Harbour between the Central and Tsim Sha Tsui, or we may watch it on television at home.

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