
2007-03-01 4:23 am
1)NDS 好D 定係 NDS Lite 好D? (兩者在功能上有咩分別)
2)NDS and NDS 水貨好D定行貨好D? (邊個抵買D)
3)邊道買 NDS / NDS Lite 會平D架?


回答 (1)

2007-03-06 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Of coz NDS lite will be better. Smaller and the brightness of the light can be changed, but NDS cannot. But remember if u buy NDSL, u have to buy protection kit also, as it is so easy to make it 'flower'

2) 行貨好D, got warrently ma. But actually it is not a great deal, as hk's warrently got no use at all. if u change parts for your DS, u also need to pay.

3) The price for it is almost the same every place now, abt $1200 la. So can't really tell where is cheaper. Even it is cheaper, it may send lots of time for u to go there. So it is better to buy where the price is ok for you.

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