
2007-03-01 1:33 am
但係一個女仔有咩要注意呢??? 請不要太行貨(例如:安全,財物)

回答 (5)

2007-03-01 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案



歐洲,全稱歐羅巴洲,是世界七大洲之一。 歐洲西臨大西洋,北接北冰洋。東部有烏拉爾山脈和烏拉爾河,東南部是裡海、高加索山脈和黑海,南抵地中海的馬羅基角,北至諾爾辰角。東部以烏拉爾山脈、烏拉爾河、裡海、高加索山脈、博斯普魯斯海峽、馬爾馬拉海、達達尼爾海峽同亞洲分界。連同亞洲,歐洲形成一個超大陸──歐亞大陸。南隔地中海與非洲相望;西北隔格陵蘭海、丹麥海峽與北美洲相對。就她的面積而言,歐洲是世界上第二小的大陸,只比大洋洲大一些。而按照人口來說,歐洲是亞洲後第二多人口的洲。











2007-03-16 1:56 am
廢話連編, 文不對題, 答非所問, 不知所謂
2007-03-01 5:27 am
Lot of excellent advice for solo woman traveller in Europe
2007-03-01 3:52 am
Basically, most part of Europe are pretty safe... But Eastern Europe maybe a little worse compare to Western Europe... In all European Union countries, majority of the people would know at least basic english (of course its better to ask younger people as they tend to be more helpful and know more english)...
Personally, what I would suggest you to do is to split the cash you bring in half... half with you carrying around (but do put bits in different pockets) so it is safer... While the other half, just put in somewhere hard to find in your suitcase... And of course, more important is to have all the Chinese Embassy phone number of the countries you are visiting, so when you face any problem, just contact them as they will help you as long as you are an Hong Kong Citizen...
If you are unlucky enough to get stuff stolen... Find a police around you then tell them... They will usually bring you to the police office... Then give them the Chinese Embassy phone number, and they will send somebody to come and help you not only to communicate... But also to help you to sort things out...
Depending on which country you are visiting... There is not a lot to worry about in Western Europe really... But if you are planning to visit Eastern Europe, then you must watch out people bagging for money (dont give as its like China, if you give one, others will come around)... And in Eastern Europe, stay in tourist area is better for you...
In my experience of travelling around Europe... Nothing much to worry about really... As if you know some English, there is definately no problem, just ask if people for help if you need to (of course younger generation would be better and more friendy... And know more English)... And as I have said, dont bring all your cash with you around (as if you got thiefed, you still got some more cash safely put at other places)...
And maybe I can share 1 or 2 interesting bits with you here... In Hungary, somehow when we decide to catch the bus from Budapest Airport into the city during our stopover before heading to Romania... When we were taking out cash on the bus to pay, they didnt take our money, so we got free bus ride to/from the airport... In Barcelona, more or less every resturants have a meun with photographs to take our order as most of the staff there dont happen to know much if any English... While in Romania, actually I was quite surprised that the amount of people that know English...
Also to remind you... More of the case in Eastern Europe... A fair number of shops actually close for a few hours during the middle of the day, while reopen later and finish late... I suppose this is to do with the surprisingly hot weather in the region during Summer... But most places like resturants and tourist stuff will continue to open...
2007-03-01 2:01 am
參考: me

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