自修a maths 既問題

2007-03-01 1:32 am
首先 , 我學校既校課唔係順著教 , e+ 教梗vector . 但係我自己 已經識曬vector , 做埋past paper .... 學校教得太慢 , 我想自己讀左 微 / 積分先

想問要學習 微 / 積分 前 , 要識a maths/maths 邊d chapter 先 ?

回答 (3)

2007-03-01 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
要學微積分,之前肯定要了解極限問題,接著是定積分,最後是微積分。 學微積分的基礎基礎是函數(包括圖像)




參考: my experience
2007-03-01 8:00 am
em.. ., I think first of all, you must master all necessary algebra skills some recommand chapters are:
1. Rationalization of 1 / [ a^(1/n) + b^(1/n)] or 1 / [ a^(1/n) - b^(1/n)] , where n = 2 and 3

2. All compound angle formulae (A. maths)

3. algebraic fractions (Maths)

In learning calculus, you must understand the concept of limits completely, then you can go to differential calculus and try to self-learn all skills (I think it is very easy)
but, becareful the rate-of-change problems since they require though concept of differentiation.

Integral calculus, I think, could be learnt in similar way....
2007-03-01 2:29 am
如果你係用緊黑色封面NEW WAY出版社o既就係book 3 chapter 13開始
因為我學校都係剛剛教完vector, 下星期開始教微積分 (skip了book 2 chapters 8-11)

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