
2007-03-01 1:18 am
我見到1個墳場,有幾個大人同我1齊.,我同d人叫左D小朋友做1樣野,就係有1個木匾仔寫住D 日文,要D小朋友搵返邊個墳,佢搵好後我同D大人開d墳把個木匾仔放進去,仲見到d屍體tim全都係原貌仲係人,全係BB仔死左唔化骨,之後個個墳有1個好靚既三文治,但亂曬,我負責放木匾仔,三文治咁好怪,WHY? PS:我同BF剛分手幾天有關嗎?




回答 (1)

2007-03-01 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I understand your feeling, and sorry to hear the break up.
From your dream, it sounds like you are very unhappy now.
Love become a tomb, because there can be for some reason, your bf
take off from this relationship. Once there can be talking about marriage,
you have a high expectation with this love to become fruitful.
The sandwich三文治 mean that you still want to get back together with your bf,
there is still desire to fix the past-relationship.
You want to repair the love. Once you may even dream of giving birth to BB with your ex -bf.... and create a family with him ...
those are the BB仔死左唔化骨, 墳場= current your emotional is so DOWN ... so sad.
墳= the bad result of love, the past relationship.
hao hao take care and good luck,

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